Mr. Ultracool
Blasts off at the speed of light!
- Pronoun
- he
I think I meowde somewhat of a meowstake last night@Mr. Ultracool who did you watch last night?

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I think I meowde somewhat of a meowstake last night@Mr. Ultracool who did you watch last night?
Meowbe their signature Pokémeown have Double Types?if I'm remembering the gym leaders correctly without looking them up, there are no fighting, fire, or rock gym leaders in the game, much less still alive
I think I meowde somewhat of a meowstake last night@Mr. Ultracool who did you watch last night?Apparently, the Mafia didn't visit me-owfter all...
er, *Zori. sorry.Seshas
aaand I am back to SRing Ultracool. If doesn’t make sense to me that he would go on with his “plan” to watch himself after we pointed out the many problems with that plan, and he never confirmed how he would use some way to distribute the badges to implicate the mafia if he did go through with it. So even if he did get killed by the mafia (which is assuming they wouldn’t just kill someone else because ???) then his death would have likely been in vain. I feel like UC would know better than to play like that as town.I think I meowde somewhat of a meowstake last night@Mr. Ultracool who did you watch last night?Apparently, the Mafia didn't visit me-owfter all...
Well, I tought that it was someowhat of a WIFOM-meowment - it would be better if I hadn't watched meowself rather than someown else - thus making that the best course of action and the one the Meowfia would expect, meowking it better for them to kill an inforole like meIf doesn’t make sense to me that he would go on with his “plan” to watch himself after we pointed out the many problems with that plan, a
I did - I wanted to use the list of playernameows on Page meowone, giving it to the person beneath the Mafia Meowmber...and he never confirmed how he would use some way to distribute the badges to implicate the mafia if he did go through with it.
@Tofu could you clarify what you meant by “that would be a waste of an ability space” considering that according to this later post:So far I'm guessing the badges can only be distributed on someone's death? I kind of doubt there would be an action where it's just like "give a badge to someone once" because that would be a waste of an ability space?
you were assuming that your second ability was simply giving your two badges upon death?Neither of my abilities cost badges, and my Vivillon's "move" is to give my two bug badges after I die, so it isn't really an ability.
Um, wow, yes, I was just trying to come up with a way to say this in a way that didn't make me sound ridiculous. I didn't look at my PM when I was typing that post and, um, I can just say woops and beg for forgiveness.Oh, wait!
Are you saying you can redistribute extra badges that you've received from other people?Idk it just said "colorful scatter" was the move and I give away my badges through it. It made sense to me when I read it because it was like, I dead but my Pokemon isn't, so it helped me out? Maybe it's just to balance the power of my other role by making my Pokemon's role not really do anything, idk M&F's mind.
Okay, the colorful scatter thing is this: I can distribute any badges I have acquired, after I die, to any combination of people I want.
In addition, my death ones are to distribute two bug badges to anyone I choose.
But yeah, for the colorful scatter to happen, I have to be dead, and it doesn't cost anything to activate.
Meow, that would be tellingI'm guessing he may have a useful role triggered by him dying (or someone visiting him like in Tarot mafia).
... why?I'm almost at the point of wondering if there's an ingroup at all, though maybe it's a bit premature to be thinking about that.
lol we ended up at null. i was TLing him for the hydreigon pressure vote (as i think i posted) but felt mildly bad/coasty vibes elsewhere, and then on reread/discussion w skylar, realized that the first thing was NAI and the second was probably paranoia@bruh moment , you said earlier that you were going to try to formulate some thoughts on Mawile, what did you come up with?
[surprised pikachu face]I think I meowde somewhat of a meowstake last night@Mr. Ultracool who did you watch last night?Apparently, the Mafia didn't visit me-owfter all...
well ... we aren't really saying 'colorful scatter' doesn't exist. we also think it's perfectly plausible that her duplicator role DOES exist. it doesn't make the flow of the claim work any better; there's still some moment where she contradicted herself. we don't think that there's a way for it to have happened like that without an overt lie somewhere in thereIf she had to look up moves for a fakeclaim, I highly doubt she would make up “Colorful Scatter” as an ability since this would seem to her like an obvious scumtell.
lets you open a PM with someone in the gameAlso what does neighbourizer mean/do? Is it similar to a cult?
why wouldn't it seem like something mafia would do tbhAs for Tofu. I agree some of those things rari and bm quoted seem fishy but it also doesn't seem like anything mafia would do? Seems like a lot of it would actually be against mafia's interests. Maybe a cop could check her to make sure though
as for Tofu, I'm sorry if this is bringing out-of-game considerations into the matter that shouldn't be brought in, but my automatic gutread in any VM/Tofu game is that, since they live together IRL, they would have subliminally noticed things IRL to suspect each other if they were anti-aligned and that would factor into their reads of each other in the thread (even if they don't consciously intend it). since that doesn't feel like it's happening, I feel like they are aligned, and I am moderately strongly townreading VM so that leads me to townread Tofu as well
brief aside, but can we please avoid making IRL-based reads or comments like this, it really just isn't fair/productive and it doesn't. help. we already saw how it worked out in endgame cats :| the firsthand IRL reads are already uncomfortable and not in the spirit of the game, going another layer beyond that to "well, since they're together in-person, they would probably ..." is even more untenable.I honestly did realize it before Blu posted, because I went back to look, and vm def heard me say "oh shit" sitting at the table next to him when I realized I messed up, but I didn't say anything because we are ~not talking about mafia~ and that just burdens him with trying to defend me, which is dumb