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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I meant that I'll be even more sleep-deprived once I go back to camp. XD

    Yeah, I don't know what they are either, I was just tring to make trigonometry seem super-hard. I only know about them because of a couple of the questions on my ACT. And that's not dumb! I hadn't even taken Algebra I at the time of my ACT. :P

    Yarp. So what should we talk about now to fill out this paragraph?
    Ah, me too. And it's only going to get worse once I go back to camp next week. And I haven't either, but it would be sort of hard to distinguish them from bi until you really got to know them.

    It is! And I feel the exact same way about math. When would I need to know what the cosine of what-the-hell-ever line segment is over the tangent of pi? GAWD

    Me neither; I was just giving an example.
    I did say that, but I still don't like toying with the notion of being with a hermaphrodite. I don't not support their existence, but wouldn't want to be in a relationship with one just out of...preference, for lack of a better word. But now that makes more sense. At least bis choose to make a distinction at some point.

    I know. Same way with driving. YOU GET TO DRIVE WHEREVER YOU WANT AND GO PLACES ALL ON YOUR OWN! As long as you first hold your permit for a year and take several tests. And have insurance and vehicle registration and blah blah blah gobble gobble blarf.


    Amen, sister. Jonathan Cain and Steve Perry knew what they were talking about. Aaaand that would be why America's economy is going downhill. Too much arguing and not enough doing.
    Well, since you said pansexual means liking anyone, I suppose it differs from bisexuality in the sense that bis, like me, are like straight people in the sense that we both voluntarily choose who we want to be with based on personality, not just looks. But I know I definitely wouldn't want to be with a hermaphrodite.

    You do get choices. AFTER all the basics are out of the way.

    Mutual secretism's a good way of putting it. My parents don't tell me anything either. :P

    Exactly. Arguing will get you nowhere in debate. As Journey put it in the song "Who's Crying Now," "So many stormy nights, so many wrongs or rights/Neither could change their headstrong ways." Which is absolutely true.
    Wow, that's a little strange. Like, extreme bisexuality.

    Yeah, I suppose so. That's how I feel about chemistry, even though I kno I'm going to have to take it again.

    My parents don't know some of the biggest things about me either. Which I think is terrible, because I just know I won't be able to keep some of them secret forever.

    I still won't post in one of them damn polls again. And I've never been or will ever be in the Debating Hall, just for that very reason. I feel that same way; it's like, "Of course you don't agree with me. We all have different views, dammit."
    Ah. Isn't that sort of the definition of pansexual as well?

    I won't know until I get there, I suppose. This is one case where I actually hope you're wrong. XD

    Ah, I see. So stuff that only, like, your parents would know about? And there's always some things that they'll never know. It's just how things work.

    I know. Did I offend you, as well? Sadly, that's not the first time it's happened, but last time it was only one or two people as opposed to the ENTIRE FECKING THREAD. I'm never posting in one of those poll threads in the Misc. Discussion forums again, what with this garbage. D:
    Ah, I see. So being unsocial and being asexual are definitely different, but each one plays off the other. And being unsocial definitely contributes to being reclusive. XD

    Well, then that's not a very good teacher then. They can't be teaching based only off their own preferences.

    Just spend time with them. Being in touch with them a lot develops personal trust, and that's what counts in any relationship.
    So being asexual is more along the lines of being unsocial as opposed to anti-social? But that's how I am with friendships and relationships nowadays, but I'm slowly coming out of this phase, of sorts.

    Yeah, I know how getting low grades feels. It's even worse in college, because it feels as though you're getting further from your goals rather than closer. But then you'll get another good grade and feel amazing. But damn! I'm taking World Lit 1 this school year.

    Yeah. It feels good to not have any secrets between yourself and someone else. :D
    Well, I mean, everyone's felt that before to some degree, but I haven't felt that way 100%. The way you put it, it almost sounded like you don't even want to have friends. Anti-social, maybe.

    Yeah, after that one essay, I picked up to a B, then to an A by the end of the first semester. Then my second Comp class I got A's across the board. I tended to do that a bit as well, but not a whole lot. You know, just to make myself seem like I really am just sixteen after all. XD

    I know. But we're so close we can almost, like, read each other's minds and stuff.
    I guess so. I've never been totally asexual, so I wouldn't know. XD

    Yes, you're right. People love to sue over trivial stuff, even if it'll only benefit someone in the long run. Which brings us back to WHAT HAPPENED TO BOOKS?! And yep, A. Even after I got only a C on the first essay. :P

    Yeah, but I'm just not as close to my other friends as I am to the ones I met there. With the exception of one, but even he lives almost two hours away from me. :(
    I know, right? It's just an awkward age; not quite a teenager, but too old to be considered a child, you think people of the opposite sex are either wierd or find it impossible to talk to them, and the smallest victory feels like you've just dominated the world. XD

    Well, even some fanfictions I've read are super mega good. And I passed both of my college-level English Composition classes with an A, so I'll definitely look into it.

    Yeah. I just know that the rest of the year until next summer is going to be soooo difficult to get through without seeing any of them. ;_;
    ...First of all, Its not stalking. Its just watching you. Always.

    Kidding. I read it in the CTRL-V thread.

    Also, Your furniture looks really great from the front lawn
    *Has a sleeping schizophrenic attack and dumps water on self to put the fire out*

    *Crap I caught fire again* ;_;

    Yes, that makes me fell better. For the moment... now the moment's over.
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