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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Arylett Charnoa

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  • Well, that can't be too fine then can it? XD

    I KNOW!!!! And by "come out" do you mean to reveal that you're not of the commonly accepted sexuality? Or something else, which I may not know of?
    *Announcer is shot, and shortly after, replaced*

    *Steele defeated ???! Steele got $1500 for winning!*
    It was. XD

    Well, if you hope to make it anywhere with a good job, you'll need to be proficient at math to some degree, even if it's something like art or music. Moderately sucky may be just about right if that's what you're after.

    XD Only you, Lett. But yeah, it needs to GO. NOW. I can only lie in wait until the next classic rock band's albums come out.
    We stayed awake all night, made fun of a few Fall Out Boy songs, he registered here, then we both pretty much crashed on his couch. XD

    They make some great programs today that have step-by-step audio and visual to go along with the problems. I learned Algebra 2 in no time with it.

    But then in ten years, the music's either going to get a thousand times better, or even worse than it is now. I listen to more modern metal and techno than anything nowadays, which is about all that's good anymore. Metal's still progressing, and pop's just...blearggccctcktchh. (That was me throwing up.)
    The same night he registered on the forums. XD

    Eh, it's only the numbers that confuse me. And then all the words that go along with them. I mean, sure you need the words to understand, but all the textbooks nowadays apparently don't know what layman's terms are.

    I KNOW!!! That's why I've stayed faithful to bands like Journey and Def Leppard that are still active nowadays, despite their respective heydays being like, twenty years ago.
    Yeah. Then it's no fun. I've been that way for twenty-four straight hours with I can haz Larry. You heard of him? He's a member here.

    For me, some was easy, some wasn't. Using a calculator for all simpler problems just out of simplicity during Algebras 1 and 2 just completely sapped me of my ability do do it in my head. Geometry wasn't too bad, until I started getting out of the shapes and lines and more into those endless theorems and postulative theories.

    Oh God...ew. *Goes to puke* XD
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