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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I don't really play it that often, one of my friends has it and they always paly it at my house, so... I end up playing as well.

    an epic disaster!
    ... and then I tried to shoot him to make it fall several hundred feet. It didn't work.

    what if they made an fps where every player played like you

    that would be kinds epic
    Well it's not an actual Elephant, from what I gather. It's a really big vehicle carrier that's really slow and really indestructible. My friend found out that sticking a helicopter to it and then turning the helicopter on makes the whole contraption fly.

    *dreams of the Queen playing shoot-'em-ups disappear*
    /potentially related to the tvtropes quote you posted in the CTRL+V Thread/

    My friend can make an Elephant fly. And I ain't never seen no Elephant fly!
    As you know, I've been working at a summer camp for the past five weeks or so, and now it's depressing me that I won't be seeing many of the amazing people I met there for at least another year. I was in tears the night before one of my best friends left. :(

    I love that vibe as well. Those FF spriters knew what they were doing. And yeah, Hot n' Steamy's all hard and rocky. Here's a list of all the sprite's types that I've come up with. Pretty long, but hey.

    Anthrax: Ghost
    Millennium: Dark/Psychic
    Doomsday: Dark
    Apocalypse: Dark
    Inferno: Fire/Ghost
    Ruin: Dark/Rock
    Mysterio: Ghost/Psychic
    Matrix: Ghost
    Mewfour: Psychic
    Mewfive: Psychic
    Nidogod: Poison/Dragon
    Nidogoddess: Poison/Dragon
    Sapusaur: Grass/Poison
    Charcoalt: Fire/Dragon
    Rainer: Water/Dragon
    Sauroquoia: Grass
    Vulcano: Fire/Ground
    Jaws: Water/Dark
    Saw: Grass/Dark
    Furnaken: Fire/Fighting
    Flood: Water/Dark
    Terrubble: Grass/Ground (Or Grass/Rock; not sure which makes more sense)
    Gorillava: Fire
    Trident: Water/Steel
    Oblivion: Dark/Fire (Or Dark/Dragon)
    KAOSS: ???
    VOID: ???
    Venom: Poison/Dark
    Phantom: Ghost/???
    Demonic Emissary: Dark/Fire
    Eclipse: Rock/Psychic
    Wreaker of Havoc: Dragon/Rock
    Mewthree: Psychic
    Horror...: Ghost/???
    The Hallowed Symbol of the Pokégods: N/A; Hallowed Symbol isn't really a Pokemon.
    Miracula Aeternitatis: Light/Flying (I didn't invent my own Light-type, but everyone else seems to have one, so I just hopped on the bandwagon.)
    Frozen: Ice/Ghost
    Dread...: Dark/Ghost
    Darkness: Dark/Ghost
    Brimstone Wyrm: Fire/Rock
    Hoarfrost Wyrm: Ice/Rock

    I haven't seen any FF Moon/Sun combos, but Eclipse does have just that epic vibe you were talking about, like the FF sprites.

    Ahahaha!!! So did I for a while.
    *While it recharges, walks up and kicks it in the balls(?)* I hope it was a male or... uh... yeah, epic fail.
    Ah, s'alright. I've been sort of depressed the past few days. No big deal.

    I never played any of the GBA Final Fantasies, but I look through the sprites online and have several sheets of them saved to my computer for anytime viewing, so I can be insprited whenever I get in that spriting mood. Brimsone Wyrm is a Fire/Rock type, as you might have guessed. I've actually come up with typings for every single one of the sprites in the thread, if you're interested in that sort of thing. Eclipse was inspired by the sprite of this giant moon sprite I saw on a sprite sheet on The Spriter's Resource. I forgot which game it was. It may not have even been Final Fantasy at all, but it's still pretty cool either way, and I'm glad you like it. So I should just make the Mew-three-thru-five remakes look just bizarre and funky? I'll have to think on that one a bit.

    Now we just need another suject to extend this paragraph and we'll be good. XD

    Yeah, me too. I suppose that comes from being around people who are even worse than I am. And you mean Zubat and Infernape? Because those two are pretty dumb in my mind too. And Electrode. It doesn't look bad, but the concept's just idiotic, IMO. Why make the evolution of a Pokeball Pokemon an inverted, bigger Pokeball? That just gets a DERP from me.
    *Withdraws, then gives a Passho Berry*

    *Steele booted up the TM. It contains Explosion. Should ARYLETT forget a move in place of Explosion? 1...2...3...poof! ARYLETT forgot Psychic and ARYLETT learned Explosion!*
    *ARYLETT was caught! ARYLETT's Data was added was added to the Pokédex!*

    *Give a Nickname to captured ARYLETT? No.*
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