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Arylett Charnoa

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  • *Is blasted into a tree by the explosion's shock wave, and is stuck there by molasses*

    (Oh, uh.... I just need to fix a couple things on my team, then I'll be ready. Zora put some of my Pokémon to shame, so I'mma fix that.) :D
    Yeah. Especially when you've typed up a well-worded message.

    No it's not. And to cap it off, I'm going to a national scout camp for the next two weeks starting Thursday. More hellos and tear-jerking goodbyes for me.

    Yeah. Your idea really was good; those colors go very well together and make a very evil look. And navy blue does not exist, IMO. It's the same exact thing as the much more dignified ROYAL blue. They're the same color, just a different name. Oh, and if that phoenix furnaken was scratched, OMG...

    I'll probably post the one in my profile picture on the thread. Ya know, if I feel like it. XD But yes, KAOSS and VOID really are just...nothing. They're pretty much just frickin black holes, and no one knows exactly what a black hole is or does, so nothng could really match except the ???-type. Solrock and Lunatone have the same typing as Eclipse. But they look nothing like FF bosses. XD Maybe make Wreaker of Havoc a little less dark? Then the rock would show better. Well, of course angels think. XD

    I meant, you could say that a lot of the sprites in my thread have that "FF Boss" vibe.

    OMG, 14 hours? My record was four, and that was off and on throughout the day. I'm glad you're doing so well at coping with your addiction. No withdrawal symptooms to speak of?
    ARGH! *Tosses the shoe and knife away, then my good shoe, then wears a deceased Beedrill's wings as flip-flops* COME GET SOME, INSECKTS. *Wields a Beedrill stinger*
    *Tosses a charred Beedrill aside, then makes use of my Blackbelt by pulling out a second pocket knife, then using them like katanas*

    Yeah, I agree. I tried my Hariyama (is that how you spell it?) against his Snorlax...didn't work. So,I went off EV Training.

    Oh my. If I'm correct, it does. But don't worry - his Pikachu's actually not all that hard. Try and OHKO it with Earthquake, Dig, or whatever works best. His Pikachu was fairly easy for me. It's just that evil Snorlax that gives me pain...
    Ahaha! So did I with my previous message.

    Yeah. I send about 300 texts yesterday and it still didn't feel like enough. I just feel so emotionally drained and depressed. ;_;

    Yerp. Wrong. If it makes more sense, I took Milennium's inspiration from Sauron from the Lord of the Rings. The films, not the book, for the image. It's hard to explain, but Sauron's got psychic-esque powers, so it makes more sense than just Dark. And yes, drgon-Nidos makes more sense because, well, they just look like dragons. Ahaha! The next Reshiram. ("But ish teh not Digimonz" Sorry, couldn't resist. XD) I lacked a lot of inspiration for making the grass types, except for Saw. Yes, the color scheme for the Jaws remake will be much more sinisher. The whole remade sprite will be made much more sinister, as a matter of fact. That black with red and yelow patterns sounds pretty badass. The dark ROYAL blue (There's no such damn thing as navy blue, in my mind. XD) on Flood is more like what I would have attempted to do with Jaws. And there won't be any smoke on the Saw remake, and the Furnaken remake is definitely going to be a phoenix. Now. XD That's an amazing idea.

    Gotcha. Sharpen 'em up. I agree with the Oblivion thing, but I have a recolor that I may post later that would make more sense with the fire thing. It's my profile picture, I believe. Actually, the only reason KAOSS and VOID are ???-types is because I couldn't think of anything else they could possibly, and whaddaya know? It turned out to be a pretty good explanation. Hey, it's in all the games' coding as a legit type, so there's no denying that it could exist. XD I actually find Eclipse's types as being a bit bland for his design, but I'mm glad you like them, at least. Yeah, Wreaker of Havoc doesn't seem like much of a Rock-type now that you mention it, but then again, does Tyranitar? And I know what you're saying about the Light-type, but I don't think a Psychic-type does an angel justice. I'm glad you think the typings are interesting. Fank you. =3

    I guess you could say that about a lot of the sprites in my thread.

    MY GOD I KNOWWWWW...It's like the computer somehow has the ability to release an odorless narcotic gas whenever you view the site, to make you come back again and again to satisfy your addiction. XD
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