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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Yeah,Pikachu was easy,but the level,It's pretty high for a Pikachu. o.O
    I hated that Snorlax. I agree with what you said,It's just so...argh! D:<
    Lmao,you're right. xD I see. But if you haven't gone through Mt.Silver yet,It's a truely hard maze. I can't remember if they changed it from G/S/C,but It's trickey. I've mastered my way so I always know where Red is. :3
    Oh,sorry. ^^ I'll post here from now on. ;)
    I agree. But still, that evil Pikachu...Holy cow.
    I like it when he's mysterious,It's really cool to me. (Basicly, he's always mysterious.) I,also was using Potions and all that junk. Red is pretty hard to beat. And of course! ^^ If Red was wearing a Blue outfit,with his name still Red,it wouldn't look right. xD
    Exactly. :D

    Yeah, the idea was (and is, for the ones that need remakes and the new ones that haven't been made yet) for them to look as un-Pokemon as possible, but still retain that sense of power and dignity that a lot of legendary Pokemon have. And you're right; I actually took inspiration from some of the GBA Final Fantasy titles' sprites. Yeah, Brimstone Wyrm is a pseudo-Anti-Pokegod. He so special. I'm glad you like Eclipse. And yeah, I know what you mean. The remakes are going to be correcting a lot of those similarity problems, especially the Giratina-dominant ones. And I'm not sure how to get the Mewtwo successors to look different without making them unrecognizable. And I'm glad you like Furnaken.

    Good, that means our VM's are getting back on track. XD

    No, but I sort of lost all form of conversation there for a minute and could only take things as pervertedly metaphorically as possible. You know, that corrupted state of mind where you can't help but take everything with a dirty mind. XD But yes, some of these new designs are incredible. And some are just flops, but hey, not everything can be a Pokegod.
    Okay. Let's kick back into a third paragraph of art, like we were before. Then we can reserve this first one for conversation akin to all the other VM's you get. XD

    I opened a new sprite thread the other day. Perhaps you've seen it already? If not, then here you go.

    Oh God, then that must mean my mind's been corrupted worse than I thought. I hope those albums come out too. I heard Journey's got "something new" in the works but don't know if it's an album, DVD, or what. I suppose waiting for new albums from a certain band is like waiting for a new video game. Damn Black and White for rubbing off on everything else.
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