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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Oooh, the last season of Avatar is great, the finale especially - I reccomend it :D

    When and where are you off to college? Are you looking forward to it? Do you know what you're going to be studying? I'm so jealous of you USians not having to pick one subject from the get-go; I've only got one more year of uni left and am agonizing over what I should do a Master's in.

    I'm really looking forward tot he new film, though in a way I'm sort of dreading it because it'll mean the whole series is really over, you know? Man, I remember reading The Philosopher's Stone in one day when I was about 8 or 9 years old. I can't believe it's been so long!

    Aaaand yes, as far as I'm aware, you and your sister are indeed the only people who liked the epilogue X3
    Yeah. It was a parody of one of the Metroid games. But not a dumb-as-shit parody like some of the junk you see elsewhere; that's why it was so infuriating.

    You're right. That made no sense. If anything, it sounded like a fortune cookie: "You hate goodbyes, so don't make friends." :p

    I know. I was just being nitpicky. XD

    CastleVania's big baddie is mostly Dracula. Yes, that Dracula. His main goal is to try to rid the world of the Belmont family, who's trying to destroy him so he can't destroy the world in much the same way as those FF villains. But angels aren't electric! XD j/k The Pokegods were made with the intent of NOT being consistent with the Pokemon world. I utilized the "Light" type to further enhance this fact.

    That's also what I do. Mostly because I don't know the names of any tropes aside from the ones I'm already familiar with. XD and if junk food hasn't killed me or my cousin by now, then it ain't gonna kill you anytime soon. Although recently, Ryubane's gone to health-fanatic world. :D
    *To great dismay, the ball is cancelled by the dirt, so I sit down and cry uncontrollably*
    I haven't been up to much, either - sitting around watching DVDs (I've seen all of Avatar: The Last Airbender, all of 24 and all of a whole ton of British TV shows), and meeting up with friends when I have the money. I really need to get a job, but nobody wants to hire someone who'll be leaving in mid-September :/

    Which Harry Potter are you reading? I keep wanting to reread the later books; I think I've only read Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows once through each. Though, if I reread DH, I'd be sure to miss out the epilogue. Man, that thing annoyed me :/
    Heyyyy, no we havent! So!
    How've you been and what've you been up to? Having a good summer? :D
    I did that with part of a fanfic once. And a great one, at that. =<

    Yeah, that sounds a little wrong. As in, mean.

    It is. I just choose royal blue because navy sounds...eh. And by scratched, I mean it was drawn by hand. You know, from scratch.

    Yeah, all the Final Fantasy and CastleVania villains are like "BLARGAGRAGH DEATH AND DESTRUCTION BLAGH" And yeah, I see what you're saying. Smart and light are not the same thing. It's just that angels are both. And they can fly. XD

    So do you just look at a random trope to start out with and then just follow links to others? Or type in every single one? And good for you! No drugs, no alcohol. Way to make an effort to live to 110. XD
    *Uses Google PokéEarth to see you where you landed, then continues riding zeh 'lectricity towards you*
    *Busts the couch in half with a Crabhammer Arm+, then procedes to charge a Sky Wheel o' Flamin' Steel DOOM+!*

    (WAAAAAA. ;_;)

    +Crabhammer + Hammer Arm. It's awesome.

    +Sky Wheel o' Flamin' Steel DOOM! Sky Attack + Flame Wheel + Steel Wing + Dark Pulse. AWESOMEST.
    *Watches with horror*

    (I just need to register your FC and stuff. Couple minutes, kay?)
    *Puts on a Choice Scarf and rockets away from the poor, slow rhinocerous thingies*

    (Hehe... I do the exact same thing when I'm tired. :P But yah... later today, unless I'm busy.)
    *Clutches a Shuca Berry and prays to Arceus*

    (Oh. :O Well, strangely, it's like, twon minutes to two. :P But uh... I didn't even finish my training yet, so this gives me some more time! :D)
    *Throws a Revive at yelling "HURRY UP AND GET ME OWT OF HYAH"*

    (I'll probably be busy until somewhere around, like, two-AM. (Friends))
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