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Arylett Charnoa

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  • One of my friends in real life. He was only 12 at the time, but still. :P

    I know! Ain't there such things as BOOKS and NOVELS anymore? What about poetry? Don't things like this matter anymore? Looks like we've moved too far into the digital age for anyone to associate writing with such traditions as these. ;_;

    About three days to a week. But now I've accepted a volunteer job at the same camp for another week and may get to see a couple of them again in person. =D
    Exactly. I myself have hacked the Azure Flute and whatever that Darkrai item was to get the Pokemon, but never hacked an exclusive Pokemon such as that directly into my party or PC. But yes, even one shiny Arceus raises eyebrows, so you can imagine what I thought when I saw six in one team. :P

    And what's even more annoying is the fact that I tell people that one of my interests is in writing. Then they ask me if I want to become a journalist. DX

    Most of them, yes. But now my phone's broken and I can't communicate with any of them until I get a replacement from the factory. ;_;
    Yarp. Even though they still do it, and a lot of them act all high and mighty after they've done it. It's like, "Look, pal, I don't care about your six lvl. 100 shiny Arceuses until you can confirm they're legit." XD

    I know, right? It's like, in order to be a journalist or reporter of any kind, you must be an overt pessimist with no preexisting fears.

    Yep, I'm back. Until next year. I soooo want to go back next year; I won't be seeing many of the great people I met there till then, at least. :(
    I can assure you that it very much is.

    Because I see a bunch of presidents behind you!

    Enemy has surrendered! TAKE YER SIGHTS OFF GEORGE WASHINGTON! *Calls off soldiers*
    I suppose so. They're not really meant to be used anyway, so I guess they're so complicated for a reason.

    Nah, I mean like an iPhone or phone that has web-enabled abilities. The media is probably why I'm so paranoid. I mean, come on, I saw an educational video in the 8th grade about what could happen if you posted personal information online. With a creepy 40-year-old stalker, to boot. DX

    Sorry it took so long to post, but I had to go back to camp for one more week.
    *I fire a rocket at the other rocket at point-blank range, making me rocketjump onto the Statue of Liberty's torch* DARN YOU, DECEASED PRESIDENTS WITH UNUSUAL STRENGTH!


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