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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I doubt you remember me - if you do, I doubt you wanna talk to me. I've lost conact with to many people. If you could message me, I'd appreciate it.
    My dad isn't tied down to any one place because his job allows him to work from anywhere. And when he becomes dissatisfied with one place he moves to another.

    He has the "grass is always greener" complex.

    Sadly, I'm moving yet again in only a few weeks. Hopefully after this move I won't have to do anymore moving until I leave for college.
    It may sound like a luxury, but honestly I can't cope with having to say goodbye to every friend I make. Right now, I feel so out of place. Thank god for the internet.
    Yeah, I suppose that is the most confusing part. Aside from trying to find legit ones. :P I guess the designers made them so complicated to try to limit cheating in the first place, but that doesn't stop too many people now does it?

    Laziness sort of does contribute to that, but I'm a lazy person myself and you don't see that problem very much, if at all, in anything I type. And what other kind of phone could possibly have a web browser? XD I guess Friday is a "slow day" for other people besides me, but... Not my parents, but some creepy stalker. I know there's perverts and freaks out there who live to look at pictures just like the one I posted. D:
    Gameshark didn't bother me too much. Until one of my friends decided to ask me what one of the codes was. From memory. :P

    I know. I mean, unless you're using a phone with a web browser, you should have plenty enough time to type out a reasonably-spelled message with adequate grammar. If not, then that's a sign of either unintelligence or just plain laziness. It doesn't matter. I'm still just nervous about that sort of thing. And that's not how I feel at all. It's more of the fact that I wouldn't want to get in serious trouble if someone took interest in me. :P
    Why thank you.

    Although I think that my traditional art sucks less, I have to actually take a picture of it with a camera to have it on my computer which is annoying and makes the images fugly.

    |AFTERLIFE. -A.D. and C.L.

    Yeah, everyone's got their own little interests and phobias. Biology's no different. And yes, I'm sure it would. Too much of studying antimatter would probably make by brain implode into subatomic null space. :P

    Well, they're not really arguments per se, but more like little jokes and slight disagreements. No big deal. But yes, sometimes, people can be made to look like idiots if you type something in the right context. And I get what you mean. Talking to people of lesser intelligence just makes you look like you're also of lesser intelligence, and who wants that? XD And they'll really only stalk you if they either see you in real life, or recognize the location where your picture was taken. So you should be fine, but I'm still paranoid. And I may end up removing that picture. I'm just too nervous about it. :P And I didn't feel the least bit different when I turned 16. It just sort of seemed as though it was a turning point. I felt like a meek little 12-year-old at the college during my first semester, however. -_-
    I know, right? But it's a little trickier than that. I want to know how animals and plants can sustain life, but humans just sort of creep me out. The inner workings of the human body are just so...ew compared to animals. It may just be that we all know humans have a lot of personality and individuality compared to animals, but it's still a little freaky to me. Even more fascinating than biology, in my mind, is outer space, but I couldn't possibly make a living out of that. Just the thought of having to get that kind of education makes my limited mind hurt.

    Actually, I find it a bit easier to text or e-mail them. Means they can't argue as easily if you tick them off. XD And I know what you mean about the retarded way of typing, btu teh hmuan mynd no's exactly how 2 intrpret wat retrded speakng means. See? But pictures are okay, but they still sort of take me by surprise if they don't look anything like I imagined. I've only ever posted one picture of myself online, but I took special care to make sure that it wasn't a recent one to avoid them damn stalkers and whatnot. You may have seen it. And I know what you mean. It's as though people ages 10-15 think that you suddenly get some magical power at 16 that automatically gives you your driver's license immediately and you can go wherever and do whatever you want. Then they turn 16 and get sorely disappointed. I knew what was coming, due to being homeschooled. :D
    Yeah. And she'll sometimes do it on the phone too. That's not so bad, but she tends to talk rather loudly on the phone and wander randomly around the house, so you'll go in a quiet room only to have her just walk in and sit down and continue to talk, like you're not even there. I've always joked that a full-scale riot could break out right in front of her and she wouldn't even notice because she's on the phone. XD Chemistry just bores me. I love biology because it's basically the study of everything alive. Who wouldn't want to find out what makes all living things live?

    Oh. :( You can still keep in touch with her though, right? Via texting and e-mail and the like? That's how I stay close with my friends, even though they both live over an hour and a half away from me. I'd love to meet some of the people I've met online too, but at the same time I wouldn't like to because they'd look completely different from the mental image I've drawn of them and I'd be a little taken aback. I don't have a webcam, so that's out of the question. :P I've had several jaws drop when I mention that I'm 16. Aaaaand then they'll ask if I have my driver's license. XP
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