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Arylett Charnoa

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  • AHAHA!!! Floof! I thought I was the only person who actually used that word. Wow. It's an inside joke by us camp lifeguards that our job is to make people wet. :O To me, the reading portion isn't all that important. I mean, come on, in order to have even progressed enough to take the ACT, you have to be pretty damn good at reading and comprehension anyway. Biology fascinates me, as does things like space and the universe, but getting an education in anything space-related takes more time, effort, and (most importantly) money than I'm willing to put in. :P

    Wouldn't you be considered a pedophile if it were real? :O
    *NOM* That's funny. *High-fives* It's not too nasty out here. Just hot and wet. That sounded really dirty. XD Yeah, I didn't do very well on my ACT in science and math, but made up for it exceptionally well in the reading and English portions. I've gotten a little bit better at it these past few months, but I still hate it. Science I love, as long as it's more of a biological kind and not chemistry, which I hate with a fiery flaming passion. XP

    Well, if I'm hurting his feelings, then we shouldn't do it anymore.
    Yeah, I guess you could say that. I'm glad my hair isn't curly; I know how much of a hassle it can be. Several of my friends have curly hair and it just doesn't look very...tame, for lack of a better word. Ahahaha! I'm a recluse too! Being on camp staff is the most time outdoors I've spent than the rest of the year combined. And most of last Autumn and Winter as well. Meh, I'm only really a genius in terms of writing and literature. In math and science, where EVERYTHING seems to count nowadays, I'm hopeless. :P It must take a lot of writings to form a callus there if it's just leaning like that.

    Oh. I didn't mean to! D=
    But it's a natural caramel, not from tanning. I don't know any Hispanics myself, but I know several Filipinos and they're all extremely dark. Lucky. :P I hate humidity too. I'd rather have it 100+ degrees and dry than only 80 and humid. It's definitely the homeschooling. I stay in school almost all year round, so I'm almost always ahead of everyone else my age. I'm one of the youngest in the whole college, if not the youngest. It sounds rather peculiar. That seems like a rather unusual grip, but hey, as long as it's legible.

    I know what you're talking about. Does he think you're cheating on him for me? XD
    How dark are you naturally? Are you of Spanish heritage or the like? Because I'm from New England and I'm naturally as white as a ghost. I do love to be outside though, especially in the summer. I'm more comfortable in 90+-degree weather as opposed to just 50 in the winter. I loathe the cold. I live in North America, where dual enrollment is quite common. I'm technically a senior in high school, though normally I'm homeschooled. I see what you're talking about now. I think I know the exact spot where you're callused, too. Is it the side of the second knuckle on your index? My finger always hurts there when I write for extended periods of time. It all depends on your writing position, I suppose. My handwriting is very small and light.

    I can't imagine what I could have done to make him feel that way, aside from just lightheartedly teasing him in our VM's.
    Well, in a way, it does, but I don't like it at all, especially seeing as I wear mostly dark colors, which only further enhances the paleness. I work on a beach by a lakeshore, which is pretty much the same thing as a hot sunny field after 12:00 in the afternoon. In the summer, I wear a lot of white, which makes a tan look even deeper. I don't write much anymore since getting into college, due to a majority of things being online, but I would assume that it would indeed take quite a bit of writing in order to get a callus on just one finger like that.

    Why would he be jealous?
    Why would you want to be pale? A good tan makes one look so lively and healthy, whereas a deathly pallor like I get over the winter makes someone like my grandmother think I'm just a sickly little thing. :P And how much does one have to write/colour in order to get a callus on just one finger?

    And I know! Let's talk.
    Meh, I sort of build up immunity to it over the summer, then lose it all during the winter and become paler than a sheet. Calluses don't take much to develop though; I had gotten some decent ones within the first few days of owning my first guitar. And I finally have access to my laptop, so go right ahead. I have plenty of time today.
    It's okay. I've been many many much busy these past few days anyway. What's so lucky about tanning oil? And what's so funny about calluses? Any respectable guitarist should have them. XD What'd he say to you?
    ((Slapdrakes. They're the size of dragonflies and they buzz really loudly and slap you in the face with their tails. Little scaly ramnokins.))
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