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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Yeah. My mom has the tendency to be a bit of a gossip around some of her sisters, so I have to make sure she's not getting too open about things like that. And yes. Muy creepy indeed. I just hated chemistry. I had grown attached to biology (and I still am), so chemistry was just waaaay out of my comfort zone. Way too much stuff to have to memorize.

    I have at least two great friends in real life with whom I can be open with and talk about anything and everything, but really, I'm one of those super-paranoid people on the internet and refuse to be so with anyone I meet. No offense, but I'm just a little nervous about that sort of thing. :( I've been told I have a young-looking face too. I was once taken to be 13. I just say, "Oh well. At least I look young and not old. XD"
    It's hard to ignore family though. :( It's just that whenever I think of the word jelly that's not used in a food context, all I can think of is this twisted little image of a picture I saw when I was only six or seven. It was on the back of a box of "tingling massage jelly" in the *cough* Family Planning shelf of the health and beauty section of a Wal-Mart. Let's just say it was a not-so-crude diagram of a male demonstrating how to apply it. >_< So yeah. Ew. And I hated taking chemistry so much that I really forgot it as I learned it.

    It's hard to judge the status of a friend on the internet, but I'd say I have a lot as well. Maybe not as many as real friends, but still. And they all vary in age, but mostly between 14-16. And yeah, I'm only 5'6" whereas most of my 13-16 year old friends are just as tall if not taller than I am. I frequently get taken for a 14-year-old. Which isn't always bad, but still...
    I hope I'm in good shape. I'd rather just do it on my own time and not have people tell me I need to get it. Hmmm, jelly. I'd suggest finding a new metaphor. That's a bit creepy. And yeah, I don't even remember learning about radioactive isotopes when I did take chemistry.

    Okay, good. I tend to hang out with people younger than I am as well. One of my friends is 13, but he and I are exactly the same height and weight, down to the ounce. Most of my friends are around 13-15. At least I'm rather short when compare to others my age, so I blend in well. o_O
    I can drive, but all I've got is my permit. I'm being pressured by like, EVERYBODY to get my license ASAP, but that's just making me nervous. I don't even like driving. Too many @$$holes on the roads have tried to run me off already. D: I feel that way about chemistry. Almost every single question on the ACT in the science portion is chemistry. At the time, I hadn't even taken a chemistry course yet, so I was just thinking, "I have no idea what the f*ck a radioactive isotope does. Stop with these inane questions I'll never need to know the answers to."

    And are you really a pedo? o.0 I'm a little worried now...
    I see. I was 14, and I was unique in the sense that I was the only one who had to be driven to the facility to take the test! XD And now I see what you meant. But to me, it seems as though the reading portion is the gnarlier one. I suppose we'll never know the workings of how they go about counting off on teh writing score, but I assume it depends somewhat on the particular field of interest of the individual student. And it seems to me that he was the pedo. Did he rub off on you, Lett?

    ^ So was I. XD
    How old were you when you took it? If they only recently introduced the reading portion, then don't you think they should have had everything worked out in the first place? Ah. Horrid teacher = horrid class. I hate it when the teacher themself has to pretty much learn the subject along with you. All credibility just goes right out the window.

    I'm sixteen. That's more along the lines of rape than pedophilia, but still, o.0
    Floofy. Wow. That's crazy. And yes, the interpreting part can be confusing, but I did quite well on it. I don't even remember half of it, so I don't even remember how easy or difficult it was. I haven't taken the SAT yet, but I don't get why writing wouldn't count. Isn't that a major part of many jobs nowadays? And I especially find marine biology fascinating, but plants bore me. The human body just sort of creeps me out. Really, I don't care how things inside me work; all I care about is that they do work and that I'm alive. XD

    AHAHAHA!!!!! Pedolett!!! I think we have just found our new meme!
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