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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Wait, if I'm "inactive" in Sanctic, does that mean I could eventually post again?
    I think that the MSN-thing might still be messed up between us(with you never appearing online). Either that, or you actually haven't been online the past few days. I can't tell.
    Sure. I can get us to the floor just below the top if I manipulate the vines to carry us.
    Skyman says you would be online at about the time I wake up :o You must be on Tvtropes at that time. You should be online at ~2-3 am by your time >c
    Hopefully I'll keep up with things this time.

    Same with me. I'm reffing only one battle, but I've almost passed the DQ time and have no idea when I'll be able to write again.

    Yeah, I'd say so too. I just made her semi-illiterate to fit with everyone else. Didn't they have trouble at the beginning of the RP...?

    I know. I'm just hoping that means it will go slow and steady, instead of dying early. :|
    The Demigod's Tower, perhaps?

    (Yeah. Not being critical, but the EXP System made it feel competitive.)
    In response to your "Grr" post(since it seems like your not on messenger, and it would seem a little creepy to me to send an offline message >>):

    Honestly, getting some fresh air would probably help more than anti-depressants. I seriously doubt the drugs would do anything to help out with motivational problems, while going out and doing something different for a while probably will. I'm just speaking from what I think would work, though, so do whatever you wish/think would work best.
    Yup yup. D:

    (Your most recent Grr post is exactly how I felt about Sanctic and ASB :o)
    Oh, yeah. I've been meaning to tell you that I am asking for removal. It was a great RP.
    Actually, it seems I forgot to reply to you! Sorry! ^^;;

    Well, I've got an open battle slot now. I became a ref. It'd be fun to try to justify attacking attacking to Rebecca. Even if she's getting pounded into the dirt, I'd seriously doubt she'd actually want to retaliate with a reasonable amount of force.

    Well, I did. They still haven't beem on, so it seems that was the right idea! I really should get to posting, though. Nobody really replied to Rebecca at all so I couldn't get much to work with, and then I had (and still do) to get out of the hole of her doing nothing...

    Anyway. The new RSP is pretty great! I've only just touched on it, but I'm looking forward to Breeze awkwardly and uncaringly insulting everyone.
    Good, good. Just asking. Cars that break the laws of conservation of energy annoy me.
    Hey, Quick Question. The car that everyone is flocking into in Santic...isn't it out of gas? It's kind of why I made a character that could possess things.
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