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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Arylett it is good to hear that you are happy :D The fact that you are happy makes me happy. :D
    (You should totally come on messenger so we can discuss happiness together :3)
    At this point I'm wondering when I should have Emile arrive at the city, since I would think he'd get there ahead of the car. When would you say would be a good time to have him arrive?
    (Alrighty. The new thing is jwbarker9@aol.com, for when you get back so you can accept the invite.)
    (*shrug* I'm just testing something out, since yahoo isn't playing nice :|. Plus, I'm not one to make a whole lot of sense)
    (well we could try the AOL account I made, see if that works, since another one of the people I talk with on there occasionally has problems with me as well)
    I have no clue how he did it. 1 Sephiroth/Terra/ANY boss that he multiplies is plenty. Any more and it would become nightmarish

    (>> Dammit. Well this sucks.)
    ... And I forgot again. The only reason I remembered was because I was planning on VMing you in the first place.

    I'd hate to have to give it up now, considering the only two things I'm reffing now only have on round left on one and was about to be finished in a draw due to lack of refs in another. :[

    I don't know. Coroxn got it, so I suppose we can move along now! I really should post as Rebecca, but honestly I haven't had much fun with her in a long while. I can't quit, though--I've played her for far too long to quit. I suppose I should just have her undergo some character development (she's far too happy considering the circumstances) and maybe interact with enough people to find an entertaining relationship.

    Yeah. It looks like it's going to be a long runner, too; that only makes it harder. Speaking of which, how long do you think R/B/Y will turn out? And what do you think of Rose's team spelling out GLITCH? I got bored, and decided to do something with it. I'm unsure about the outcome, though. >>
    I know, but still. Kinda odd.

    Oh yeah, and I found this guy on Youtube who does hack battles for KH2, which basically allow you to do some silly/ridiculous things. For instance, he made it so that he had to fight against 3 Sephiroths at the same time. And I think that he actually won.
    Kinda odd if you think about it, since there wasn't even an option to be a girl in Gen 1.
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