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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Haha, that's neat. Looks like a strange amalgamation of Italian and German, almost. I tried making my own language too, but sadly, that's not really an area in which I'm very creative. I can make up individual words out the wazoo, but I'm not very good at coming up with a sound grammatical structure, at least a consistent one. And I agree wholeheartedly about the politics thing; If the majority of the world's leaders today would put half as much effort into solving governmental and economic problems as they do with trivil bickering over whether or not they should solve said problems in the firts place, I'm sure the world would, as a whole, be a far more cooperative place.

    I'd love to see some of them. Are they in your art thread? And fancy that, I finished Reshiram just this morning. I'll post it in a few minutes, hopefully. I'm sure you'll find it plenty hot and steamy enough for your tastes.

    I don't listen to it all that much either, but what little bit I do listen to I lap up eagerly and want to listen to it over and over again if I can. And yes, they really do all sound the same. I mean, come on, just off the top of my head, Sum 41, Fall Out Boy, Jimmy Eat World, Blink 182, and the new group All-Star Weekend sound similar or even identical. How many identical voices does the music industry need nowadays? At least the 80's and 90's had enough variations on that legendary "Steve Perry" tone that they were able to keep fresh for the whole of their respective durations. I'd gladly love to knock some sense into one of those modern tenors and say, "That's from Bon Jovi." But yeah, you should really give the song a listen. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

    Yeah, I've heard that it's a really big subject. I'm not sure what sort of textbook I'll be using or what kind of teacher I'll have, but I'm sure it won't be dull. And I suppose a character like Slugorn was more prominent in the books than, say, Lockhart or Quirrell, so that may be why I'm feeling that way. Just a matter of opinion, I suppose. (Don't you love these six-subject VM's we have? :D)
    Made-up words are always funny to me, especially if they require correct pronunciation to involve strange sounds, such as clicking or random whistles. Yeah; I need to be able to know a little bit about politics in order to get a lot of the "jokes" in TIME magazine, which I don't really care for unless it has the potential to affect me or my family.

    Yeah; I find pixel-overs to be much easier than splicing five or six Pokemon, and it's especially fun nowadays because of the several new Pokemon that have been/are being revealed. I'm working on one right now, if that interests you.

    I find that music's standards have been lowered to an almost degrading level as a whole, but certain genres have shone more than others. For example, there's been a splendid rise in the "quality" of heavy metal nowadays, but rock has just become too close to pop and all the popular bands sound the same. How many pretty-boy tenors do we need, really? And if I hear one more voice that's been recorded then synched with the keyboard channel to sound like a singing keyboard, I'll flip out and go all hot and steamy on them. And Pour Some Sugar on Me is a Def Leppard power ballad that was on their Hysteria album. It's actually one of their most popular songs, despite what the title would have you believe.

    Yeah, I'm taking a psychology class next school year, but I'm not sure exactly what it's gonna be about. Every mind is different, so no two people will have the same thoughts. Although great minds do think alike. :D Slughorn was okay, but usually I'm not particularly fond of when a new character is introduced to a cast when all the current characters are familiar. A new one, especially in a series like Harry Potter, just arouses suspicion and makes things a tad confusing. Or maybe I'm just different since reading Wheel of Time.
    At least I've never invented them. I only spread the jokes through word-of-mouth; I don't try to make up new ones that follow that context, because it seems that whenever I do, they, of course, turn out to be awkward and stupid. :P It's really a matter of personal tastes in humor. For example, I find painful physical comedy funny, but not parody-style political jokes. And yeah, I agree; your mama jokes are just unnecessary.

    XD Yep. There go the gates. But yeah, that's pretty much exactly what it is. Just sort of a writer's cramp, but for spriting. I guess you could call it a spriter's cramp. I've had it for a while now; almost as if I've just exhausted my ideas. But people say my pixel-overs are amazing, so that really makes up for it a lot.

    Yeah. Just about any of the classic/progressive/hard rock from the 80's and 90's is what I love to listen to. Hey, we should so parody the lyrics of "Pour Some Sugar On Me" in the context of a hot and steamy Brimstone Wyrm. That'd be hilarious.

    Funnily enough, Fleur was one of those things I did remember. It was just a small appearance, but I suppose that's how the human mind works; big things are bulky but important, little things are trivial but easier to remember a lot of because they're small.
    Oh, I actually never minded those that much, seeing as I have a rather twisted and dark sense of humor. What I really hate are the jokes that have been made up by (usually immature) people in attempt to try to sound like one of the original jokes, but is just awkward and stupid.

    Cold yet hard. o_O I'm glad you like the sprite; it's probably the only one out of my more recent ones that have been that creative and not just a pixel-over. I've sort of lost my touch for splicing over the past few months. :(

    And one of my favorite bands no less. :D

    I'll probably re-read Deathly Hallows before it comes out on film; I didn't do so for Half-Blood Prince and had forgotten a lot of what happened, especially that whole little arc with the Felix Felicis potion.
    :D Your mom jokes are still dumb though. I've always hated those.

    And yes! It's made with Regirock, Torterra, Onix, Steelix, Scizor, Golem, and Arbok, with Magcargo and Rapidash for color. I'm glad you like it. I have a similar Ice version right here on my Photobucket. I'm sure I've just opened the gates to a whole new onslaught of cold-temperature innuendos.

    I know. Looking back, I was shocked to find out that I was literally just a few words away from hearing about how Harry was "killed." I'm glad I had Def Leppard on so loud.
    Yeah, I suppose none of us ever really outgrow our 12-14 years.

    Oh I know. It's maddening. That's why I've taken up spriting so much lately, so that I can do something constructive while Serebii loads.

    Exactly. I had no idea how close I was at the time, but I almost got the big "Harry's false death" turning point spoiled. Which is, metaphorically, the hairpin turn coming into the downhill slope of the climax of the entire series.
    They do when the words "hot" and "steamy" are involved.

    That's alright. It isn't for everyone. Your Mileage May Vary, as I always say. (Are you a fan of TV Tropes, BTW? Because I'll stop with the links if you're not)

    No, about the only really major things that were spoiled for me were that Lupin and Tonks were killed, and that Snape had been named headmaster. I really just walked away from anything that looked like it was about to head into spoiler territory, but discussed freely whatever I had read up until a certain point.
    Now that you mention it, so do I.

    It's very different from Harry Potter, so after getting used to those, you probably won't like them. I didn't at first, but it's now become one of my favorite books. It's probably due to all the Scenery Porn, which is something that makes the book sort of a genre-definer.

    Well, if your sister spoiled it, I'm sure you wouldn't be affected. I was at a giant Scouting conference the week Deathly Hallows was released and literally had to walk around with either earplugs in my ears or listening to music, due to every. Single. Person. There. shrieking some major spoiler about the book every two minutes.
    I'm too drunk from that likkor to answer at the moment. Please try again later. *Acts drunk*
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