Yeah, just a little German. It was probably the word Scunciedaelle that tipped me off. It's all the Latin-rooted languages that are similar, and English has the Germanic roots with Latin words. So it must be fun to corrupt. And yes, I'm sure it would be next to impossible to reverse now, what with all the different governments and rules that have been established in the many hundreds of economies over the years. It would be no small feat to get the job done, and it would take a lot of time and effort, likely leading to more fighting and turmoil. Wow, optimists unite.
I know what you mean; I've lost a lot of my original sprites and don't know how. I've only done a few revamps but may start doing them again soon, if my schedule allows. I'm more of a painter than a sketcher, but if I have enough time and I'm in a patient mood when I feel like drawing, I can make a pretty decent drawing. There's actually one sketch I've done that I really want to make a pixel-over of, but whenever I feel like doing it I can't find it, and whenever I have it at the ready, I'm not really in a spriting mood. A laptop mouse isn't so bad. That's all I ever use. And here's the Reshiram pixel-over in my sprite thread, if you're interested, which it seems to me like you are.
Forgot about Yellowcard, but yeah, they're similar too. >:( All too many bands and singers nowadays use pitch-correcting software so that if they hit a note that's just a semitone off from their selected key, it'll automatically change that note to one that matches. So pretty much, it'll sound like a robot singing. And I've always loathed rap music. It ain't singing. Just fast talking to an atrociously synthesized and discordant beat. Some extreme sub-genres of death metal are like this too, but I'd prefer these to rap music any day.
I hope so too. I've been homeschooled most of my life, so I've never honestly had a bad teacher. (Obviously) And that's including the classes I've taken via dual enrollment. And I guess it was just that Slughorn's personality seemed to shift several times, so you never knew what kind of mood he was in, and that made him a rather shifty guy to me. (And yeah, I've seen some of your random and nonsensical discussion VM's with KronoGreen. IMO, just a =3 does not a proper VM make.)