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Arylett Charnoa

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  • But I don't like it when there are marks on the paper. D: And I'm not fond of erasing things, anyway.

    Haha, usually my designs make sense, but there are so many spines and horns and claws and weird wings and aaaa that it makes yoou head implode slightly every time you lay eyes on it. Which is sort of why I gave up on Fakemoning. That, and everything has to be a dragon or a canine of sorts.
    Ah, I usually can't read them, but I tend to make the fifth mark really bold and dark to say LOOK THERE THAT'S FIVE. If I didn't do that, I'd die so badly.

    Ah, I see. Well, Blazheirio was sort of intended to be a Pokemon, but nowadays I think of it just as a mechanical dragon. Of course, with a few Pokemon roots, but yeah, most of them have disappeared.

    LOL I know, right? It's a Lejendree with NINJATOES and UBER-TYPECHANGES. I just decided to keep it as my mascot because it's quite simple, but at the same time it looks kick-ass. :3 All my designs are rather ew plain and boring or LOL UBER-COMPLICATED
    Well, it would've been higher if I didn't miss that one day of class... We started a new unit that day, and the day I came back from being sick (that is, the next day), we had a test. Um.
    But I'm paranoid, so I tend to triple-check most of my stuff. And when I EV train, I keep meticulous tallies to keep track of my stuff, so I rarely mess up~

    Well I always thought of a Pokesona as a slightly modified, already existing Pokemon. But even so, Blazheirio is my mascot - I don't really consider it a real representation of me personality-wise and whatnot.
    I'm actually doing much better in math than I expected! Got a 90 so far~ But the math in reffing is simple enough for me to tolerate it, so...!

    :0 Damnit that reminds me I still don't have a Pokesona. OTL
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