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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I think I've already told you, but I'm sort of an old person in many aspects already. OTL You know, back pains, knee problems... and now arthritis! Whoot! Or mayby CTS. D:

    Ah, 'kay~ Well, what's the colour scheme going to be like?
    My techniques are good for vivid colours, but they kill the hand so badly. Today I coloured pretty hard for the first time in forever, and the muscles opposite to my thumb on my right hand just tensed a lot. They're still stiff.

    No, more like ಠ_ಠ

    (Naw, s'no problem. I tend to take some time to answer, too xD;)

    :0 I knew it was going to be doggy-thing! I like the way it becomes more humanoid - but probably because of the resmeblance to Mightyena, I keep thinking it's dark/fire OTL
    I've heard only rumors, m'Queen, but he has been rumored to be a vagrant, riding in the night on a mechanical camel.

    Also, not to doubt the Queen's digestive tract, but was it wise for Her health to eat the clockwork dog?
    D: But arranging them is fun. Especially when you twirl them into spirals and all sorts of pretty patterns! ...but then it wouldn't look much like a tiger anymore.

    Ah, it was some time ago. I doubt I still have it.

    Ah, I press rather hard too xD; I'm already starting to feel pains in my wrists. But hey, at least it looks good!

    Haha, you think? xD Oh, but some of the teachers' expressions are priceless. It's well worth thinking that I'm weird!
    Actually, arranging the stripes is rather fun. It's colouring them that's torturous.

    More or less! You can tie them in a knot if you wanted to! I did that with a Dragonair before xD;

    Oh, really? When I use colour pencils, for large areas, I tend to use five to six colours. OTL Maybe that's why there's so much contrast in my drawings...

    Oh, I have doodles all over my notebooks! But I usually locate them in the back, so the teachers won't yell at me. I doodle SHOOOP DA WHOOPs on my worksheets, though, and when I hand them in the teacher looks at me weird.
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