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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Wolves are very overdone and cliché, yes. When I said wolves I didn't mean regular wolves - I don't like those, for some reason - but really weird wolves that I like to design that have weird anatomy and wings and fancy markings and all sorts of fancy stuff. They have a bunch of body surface to work with, their anatomy isn't as hard to graspp as other stuff, and they're furry! Which is why I like to draw them. Dogs, I find, are harder to draw, since they typically have shorter fur, which is less fun to colour and gives you less of an excuse to cover up some muscle structure. :P
    ...Oh, wow. Haha, and it's strange that you love dogs much more than I do, when you've been bitten by them much more than I have!

    I don't know, really. I like birds mostly because of their grace and stuff, and four of the legendary birds fit the bill... and along comes Zapdos, this huge-taloned, spiky bird with awkward wing flaps - at least, in the 3D games it seemed very awkward to me. I'm okay with Zapdos, just that I don't like it as much as the others.

    I love drawing stuff with many tails, because it's fun to play around with the composition. Occasionally they're annoying to fit iin, but I often don't have trouble with them.

    Yeah, I know what you mean. Unless they're a freakish zombie-caveman - hey I think I just had a brain wave. xD
    I actually don't have much trouble with hands. It's just... rrgh! Their anatomy in general! I'm used to drawing quadrupeds so... yeah, it's very hard to adapt.
    I'm rather partial to dogs. I love wolves and such, but I got jumped by this golden retriever when I was little, so I'm a bit scared of dogs... :<
    Yeah, I like Ho-oh! Just not as much as Lugia or Moltres. It's my 3rd-favourite legendary bird - which doesn't sound as bad as it does, because I love all of them! Except kinda Zapdos.

    Ninetales has long, furry tails though :> Tails and manes are the parts I love colouring most.

    Well, to be fair, birds and bipedal dragons are upright as well, and I have no problem with them. It's just... rrrgh! Humans always defy my pencil, somehow, someway!
    It's not quite their colouring, per se, than their flowiness, if you know what I mean. But I have a bias towards bird-like Pokemon. Lugio, Moltres, Articuno, Pidgeot... :'D
    I like Ninetales more than Vulpix because it just simply looks more graceful. Oh and that huge tuft of fur on its head is just... so fun to draw~
    Come to think of it, I have very little Pokemon-related dreams.

    Yessss, humans = impossible to draw, rrrgh! *stabs something*
    Yes, true. True. xD

    Ah, I'm more biased towards the graceful-ish Pokemon. Milotic, Froslass, Suicune... etc.

    Oh, I see xD I sometimes get like that, but only when I draw stuff I'm not used to.
    Pokemon in general doesn't make sense xD;
    I'd just love a FIREGASM in general. Mammals would be nice, but I'm fine with birds and reptiles and weird alien thingies! Also Ninetales :'D Do want!

    Well, uh, try not to press so hard? xD I dunno, I always draw with short, light strokes, so erasing's not a problem for me.
    Tablet = epic. Get one as soon as you can.
    Aww. =3

    But I always sound sarcastic and bored and depressed and I'm not usually very bored or depressed and I admit that I'm a sarcastic person but come on... So do I speak in a monotone?
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