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Arylett Charnoa

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  • On a sudden breeze, a faint ticking coalesces to form a mechanical voice;

    "Glenn will be avenged, my dear Queen."

    Somehow, the ticking voice seems to be dripping with sarcasm on the penultimate word...
    Okay, his instructions are printed on the inside of his underbelly, and here's a packet of spare parts... Oh, and he needs to be wound every few hours. He eats scrap iron, no rust.
    I would attack you but your guards look menacing and quite resistant to clockwork-based attacks. :<

    Whean you cut down a tree you are left with a stump analog.
    I like drawing cheetahs and panthers and stuff like that, but I don't know why, I'm just not fond of lions. Probably because they're stockier? I'm not fond of tigers, either, but that's more to do with the stripes.

    Yeah, I'm probably not. I'm more of a bird-reptile person.

    Well, Articuno's is song-like, and I love how it seems to echo. :3

    Oh, I like drawing serpentine creatures so much :'3 But it's more because I find it difficult to pose most creatures, but with serpentine ones, it just... does its own thing. I just make the pose up as I go along.
    For feathers, I lay down the base colour, making sure to leave it white-ish where the light strikes, like any other thing... except that I'm a sucker for detail, so I pick out the shaft, the downy part at the ends, breaks in the feathers, etc... All in all, it means that I have to be very careful and very detailed with such a small object. And then I have to repeat the process thirty more times.

    Ah, you're lucky... OTL I sometimes doodle people, but they usually come out looking rather weird. And then I erase them out of shame.
    Yeah, they're clichéd, but they're still fun to draw. But I often mess with anatomy more than markings, so in the end it might not look entirely wolf, either.
    Orly? Haha, opposites much? :P On the other hand, I can't draw lions, because no matter how I draw their manes, it never looks right.

    Yeah, that's true, but... *shrug* I guess I just have trouble with dogs? xD;

    Yeah, I guess I do. But Moltres is my favourite. Its cry is probably my favourite Pokemon cry - don't know why, exactly, but it's just so enchanting, and the static at the end doesn't sound out of place, either. Its design is rather plain in comparison to the others but still... it's just awesome to me.

    I don't like overly long tails, because then they just seem out of place - too long, you know? And I just love wings - the more the merrier! xP Actually, four is about all I'm comfortable with - feathers are quite annoying to colour.

    I might~

    Oh, I'm still working on getting human anatomy properly in a static pose! If they're not just standing there, then yeah, I'm out. xD
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