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Arylett Charnoa

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  • FFFF Computer froze and killed my response! So this shall be short.

    Pokemon doesn't always have to adhere to the rules of the world :( I still say there are too many Water-types.
    As long as Generation V isn't WHOA WATERGASM I'd be happy. But I'm all for a FIREGASM.

    I'm the type of person who sketches roughly, never does lineart, and lets their colouring do the work. With colouring, a misplaced stroke doesn't matter as much. As long as you have a scanner, though, the colours can still be very sharp, but yeah, digital is more unspoiled because there's no such thing as a great scanner. A tablet is somewhat similar to a pencil, but not the same, yeah.

    I'm a hard-core strategist~
    And of course, the starters, but they don't count. >:( And I don't even like water-types now, most of them at least, because Game Freak is all 'lol let's make them the most ubiquitous type ever!'
    Grass-types are awesome :D But fire-types are even less loved by Game Freak.

    I have a tablet, but digital art just doesn't feel as natural with me. I guess it's partly the exhiliration - there's no undo button in traditional art, after all! Not to mention the effects you can get with different mediums, different brands. It's fun to experiment, and you certainly can't mess around like that in digital art. Both have their limits, but I find digital's limits to be more restricting, you know?

    It's a series of games for the PS2. Turn-based strategy - and much harder than Pokemon. x3

    Now I'm training Parrapa. He's an egg ball spike monster man.
    ....Metooth is a Croconaw. xD I guess I should've mentioned that before. O/

    Soon, though, he'll be a Feraligatr~~~ <3333333333333
    Male. :3 He's much more mature, however. Level 29, halfway to 30~ I also have a soon-to-evolve Togepi named Parappa. x3
    Totally! Fire-types are real crowd pleasers, but for some reason Game Freak loves to deprive us of them! ;-; Just look at Generation IV.

    Yeah, I'm more of a traditional person. I might do it with colour pencils, though.
    ...That is a good question. o.O I never even tried making a shiny version. *whips out markers* We must remedy this!

    Haha, I learn from Persona. Just about all the Personas, if not all, come from mythology, and they even have this database and :'D I can sit there reading it for hours.
    Well, hm... Perhaps you could give the last-stage six wings and switch its name to Seraphlett?
    Well... fine, yes. Yes, it is. That's probably why it's so popular xD;

    Thing is, I'm not very good at shading shiny stuff - especially not with markers.

    Oh, I knew that seraphs were a higher level of angels - I just mixed up the number of wings. xD You can learn a lot from video games.
    Well, they might've changed Blazheirio to a dragon/flying before deleting the move.

    Rrrgh... I suck at drawing stiff stuff. :I

    Ohhh, I see.... *shakes fist at friend* I was misinformed >:(
    Technically you'd still have a full moveset of four, but you'd be stuck with that type combination forever... ever... *dundundunnn&

    I guess it's where the steel feathers are connected to the 'arm'? It looks kinda feathery there, I've been told.

    Ahh... Basically an Eastern dragon with four wings. Kind of.
    I never actually gave Blazheirio many moves, other than that Conversion-esque thing. The amusing thing is that back when I created it, there was no move tutor, so if you deleted that move, then you'd be done for! xD

    Bahhh I think I need to redesign Blazheirio's wings x.X The wings are supposed to be metal. That's why the 'feathers' look so stuff.
    Actually, my favourites are long-bodied seraph dragons :3 I designed one recently, but I'm too lazy to scan it...
    Well, yeah, but Doggychu still adheres to that 4-move thingy, right? Or is it like another Mew with superior stats and typing? :0

    I think you should. It certainly sounds interesting enough.

    BIG FEATHERY WINGS :D Yeah, I have a fetish for dragons with big feathery wings. Two in one!
    Yeah, that's how it's a Mary-Sue. Consider that it can have... how many types are there? That many movesets, and... bam uber-thingy.

    I used to. I still do, sort of. I don't know why. xD
    Well, not exactly. You'd have completely control over the type change, and it's also considered a field move.

    Haha, I have an entire section of my cupboard-thingy dedicated to my fakemon doodles from ages ago. But they're all dragon, normal, dragon, fire, dragon... etc.
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