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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I'm not generally interested in making longer sentences, but after reading the Hitchhiker's series, I quite like nested sentences. I remember one quote "The problem is, or rather one of the problems, for there are many, clogging up the many legal, societal and civil centres of the universe, and especially, where possible, the more corrupt ones, this.
    The previous sentence makes sense. That is nto the problem."

    I only drew myself. Once. And then scanned it into the computer, edited it significantly to make it halfway decent, and the outcome is this.
    Ooh, commas! And hyphens, too - nested sentences in general, in fact, so I'll end up with a sentence, another sentence, a third sentence, and so on, all inside each other.

    I'm the exact opposite of self-centred - I could pretty much not care less what I look like.
    Yes it does actually. I'm weird like that.

    (*shrugs* They weren't that hard if you abused the privileges given to you in them(IE constant drive forms, summons, etc.) And I can imagine that all close-quarters heartless would rage hardcore at a firaga spammer :P)

    (They are always so annoying when they do that. And yeah, I see what you mean. With good posts and a lot of them, I might be able to get Psy to evolve very soon. By the way, do you want to know whether I'm having him become a Gardevoir or Gallade?)

    (Xaldin T-T. He makes me rage every time I face him, no matter what. He's just so cheap with those damn lances. And YES YES YES to Master forms badness. I hated grinding at the Land of Dragons to get it up so much.)
    I'll probably end up picking it up in a few days. Or if I hear some of the soundtrack(which is why I actually picked FFX back up). Whichever comes first.

    (I was mainly talking about the second version of the tournament, which unlocks after you get Final. And I'll be honest: I always thought of Wisdom as useless because it relied far too much on MP to do real damage, and when you're out you are kinda screwed for doing real damage to a group.)

    (Hehe. So do I. There's too much time on my hands during the day for me not to. Also, that's what Mienshao does best: Fake out, U-Turn out, switch back in later, and repeat! Oh yeah, I saw that. 4 EXP max per post may not get me that much farther, but hey, I only need 12 more exp before I can finally get Psy to evolve(which is much earlier than he would have before). The Macho Brace bonus helps)

    (Most Organization XIII battles seem easier in anti-form. It's just so fast, like I said before, that you can't really get hit. Plus, clawing them to death just seems a lot more interesting than keyblade bashing them to death. And I mainly enjoy Valor because up until I got Final, it was the main one I used(I never liked Master, for some reason. Not sure why-probably its annoying level up method.))
    Yeah. No clue why, though.

    (It's always fun to destroy all of the heartless in that tournament in Final Form :P. And I managed to get through all of the cups in both games-annoying, but definitely doable.)

    (Lemme guess: a dragon dancing Salamence and a priority-abusing Scizor? Those two are both classic sets. And I have been getting more chances than I originally thought for posting, so I'm probably not going to be affected at all by this)

    (Random KH2 question: what's your favorite drive form? Not the strongest(because Final form wins that by a land slide :P), but the one you enjoy using the most? Personally, it's anti-form for me. Its just so fast that I don't get hit that often. Plus, it's always fun to take out an Organization XIII member in a form that was created to basically punish the player for abusing drive forms, while in reality its just giving me a victory.)
    The Humanizer could give you a boost in attack and special attack, to go with the weapon thing... it could also allow you to gain more moves. The console should go off automatically after a few rounds, I think; unless someone really wanted to use weather moves they probably wouldn't risk being attacked by Crusaders. Being able to access more moves would be good, because that way you don't have to be restricted. Like every other round you could gain a move back, eventually going back to the eight moves we had originally. Although honestly that's mostly because my character has work up without a specially offensive move. :/ My moves aren't that stretegic, really; how did you determine them?

    I did. I didn't keep it, though. I figured that the moves she has now fits her character better (work up not that much, maybe I should change it to helping hand if I can) because they're not that offensive. And when you said the ones you used you could keep, did you mean keep outside of the four move limit?

    That'd be fun! A lengthy-ish one would be interesting, but you're right in that going on for a long while would be tedious. I suppose it might be the Crusaders catching up? Either that or the absol's warning/prediction will come into play, most likely.

    How do you determine the EXP, anyway? Do you give experience as normal and then divide or just become more stingy with it?
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