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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I'm sorry for not posting in Sanctic. I truly hope to make a combeack soon. I've probably been removed from inactivity though.
    Yea, I did eventually. Still, it was annoying.

    Well, you learn something new everyday, eh? And I can see the problem you have with trying to get your first character to be more interaction with such a timid personality.

    (I eventually beat him 7 times in a row, just to prove that I could. Of course, that left me super cocky, so you know what I ended up doing? I faced him again. At level 60. Without Ultima Weapon. On Critcal Mode. This is how I felt after doing that for a few hours:

    Seriously, I just give up T-T)
    Have you seen how I close off rounds? I close off rounds in the same way every. Single. Time.

    That's quite pathetic isn't it. We are pathetic.
    Oh, really? That makes things a bit easier ^-^ I haven't checked yet today, but how far do you think you'll skip forward in time?
    Oh ok.

    Still, I would have liked for it to end better than me raging at the game and nearly throwing something out the window.

    ,...I did not know there was actually a trope named that. I knew they existed, but I didn't know they were *that* common that they needed a trope. And yea, it does fit his character pretty well. And I wasn't suggesting our characters(or anybody's, for that matter) get that much attention, just that they got more attention and his characters less attention, so that everybody feels loved.

    (AFDSLKJDSLFJ I've been facing Sephiroth a few times the last couple hours, and I almost beat him again. But of course, I was out of elixers right when I needed one and I got pwnd when he was on his last bar of health(about half of the bar was gone, too!))
    I thought that you might have thought I indirectly called you lazy since you don't have a job.

    It was hard as all hell, too. By that point, I just went "FUCK THE WORLD I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Yea I can see that. Its probably because his characters are slightly more forceful than ours, thus meaning that they are far more involved then either of ours would be without becoming a little forceful themselves, and that does not fit Psy's character too much, and DEFINITELY doesn't fit Arylett(at least, it doesn't in my mind).
    Oh. Err. Um. Ignore my ass then. Sorry if I offended you by saying that >_>

    I actually made it to Olympus Colliseum before getting pwned beyond belief. I swear, that Hades section....

    Yea, I can see your problem now. Not too many options....=/

    ....I just now realized that myself. Yea, his sub-plot sorta is self-encompassing. Still, not too many characters fawn over his beyond Korris. It is also a little annoying to see his characters get a lot of attention while mine stay ignored, although some interaction between Psy and Aryan that me and Metalos came up with would change that.
    I know. I can't afford any new games for at least a few more weeks(or until I stop being lazy and get myself a damn job T-T).

    I have to do self-challenges to keep myself entertained with a game after I beat it.

    Crazy people. I also tried doing a level 1 run. It....it wasn't pretty.

    Or you could come up with something similar, just editing out the parts you don't like.

    I see your point, and its an excellent one. Continue on with that, then!

    Too much importance to the plot, i'm guessing?

    ((I'm on my PS3 now, if you couldn't tell. Super short replies for everything T-T))
    I'd prefer a timeskip, honestly. We can just summarize what we did and play with the character stuff getting the Humanizer causes. You know, whether or not to be a human.


    Eh... it looks worse on paper in my opinion, so maybe it's that.

    Maybe the hospital?
    I say you would get $10 tops for the Elder scrolls game, Tony Hawk $5. Metroid will probably be the same or less as Tony Hawk, and I'm not sure if they even accept PS2 games anymore. If they do, expect lots of $1 and $2 offers.

    Meh, I like it. Makes me play a lot more cautiously than I usually do, which is a very good thing. Using a flying type in the electric and ice gym shows you how reckless I usually am XD.

    Trust me, you don't want to try it, unless you are REALLY certain you are good. It's hell, especially if you accidentally equip the no-exp ability and can't remember which one it is T-T.

    I have always had 2. I just use the crappy one for when I'm feeling crazy.

    Alright. I guess restarting could work out if you revamp the EXP system and do some changes. Plus, people keeping their characters current forms will keep those in the current RP happy.

    I can see how that could become a problem, splitting the exp duty. Still, having more than one opinion could be a good thing in some cases.

    What parts of the story don't you really like? I'm honestly curious about that.
    I *should* be posting in Sanctic soon enough. I've gotten distracted when trying to read it but I'm pretty sure I know what's going on I just need to find a way to get Liza and Sam back in like they were there the whole time o.o
    Oh. The experience system was a bit of a beta (if that term makes sense; it wasn't really that bad but it wasn't the easiest one possible), so messing with that would be okay. But where would we start off?

    I know. With Sanctic I was starting to forget that every RP I've been in has died...

    Because it's terrible! And the worst part is that most of those drawings took several attempts to do. Although Rebecca sort of worked out okay. Not good, though.

    Yeah. I filled up all my slots too, so unless I finally go make myself a ref this will have to wait. But at least by then we can decide an arena!
    Well, if you tell me what you are trading in, then I could give you a guestimate for how much you're gonna get.

    I save doing that for my second run. My third run, which is usually my Nuzlocke run, involves overgrinding like mad so that nobody dies. Of course, they die anyways due to crits :'(

    Expert Mode:Its like Pride mode on KH2, only HARDER T-T. Of course, Critical Mode on KH2 Final Mix was even harder due to having only half of the max HP that you get on other modes. It's even harder trying to face all of the secret bosses on there without a guide on Critical Mode T-T.

    Surprisingly, everything else about it works. I can still click the R1 button, I just have to reach my finger down this hole thing where the button used to be. And, if I try hard, then I can rotate the right stick. Of course, I never use it unless I'm feeling particularly suicidal in a game :P.

    If it wouldn't start in the facility, then where would it start? I'm curious about that. Also, if everybody reused their characters, would they be back to their first form, stay in their current form, or become their final form? Also, you could have somebody else help you with the EXP if it's becoming too taxing. I would be willing to help with that.

    What hiccups would there be in the case of a timeskip?
    Oh... well, I can understand that. The setting is fine, it's just that I also don't know what to post. I'm still having a lot of fun with Rebecca, though; if you end up restarting it I'd like to play her again. Although it's mostly her relationships with people that are entertaining, and since I'd have to rebuild those I guess it might be best just to think of a whole new character. I don't know.

    I could work with bratty! If LS99's post gets things going again, then it will help a lot to know what I should be going for.

    Yeah, I know what you mean. The only thing I can actually stick to is really simple characterization, like Rebecca being optimistic.

    I've also been sneaking in a little Sanctic fanart for the past few days. I know it's terrible, I just sketched it out because of prompting from Skyman... please don't kill me...

    I've also been considering a Sanctic battle, for when a few of us have open battle slots. Would you want to ref/battle in it?
    The worst thing is, its not the hardest of the arena bosses. Just the one that trolls you the most.

    (You should have done it before. They were running an extra 50% trade-in bonus earlier this month. I got $40 from trading in Black Ops alone.)

    (...that sounds like me when I first play a new Pokemon game. Then again, I usually only train my starter, so by the E4 they are in the 60's and 70's while everybody else is in the 30's ;o. The only exception is my first playthrough of Pearl: instead of an overleveled Torterra, I had an overleveled Staraptor who just tore apart EVERYTHING. I mean, he beat the ENTIRETY of the 7th&8th gyms BY HIMSELF. He was a truly awesome Staraptor.)

    (I know, but still. The early parts of the game were much harder because of that, and plus being able to cure everybody was always useful when a boss was just going apeshit on you. And I remember Ragnarok! It was so awesome if you timed it right. Too bad its only available in Final Mix-and good thing I imported it and did some modding to my PS2 to make it able to play it.)

    (Yes I am. There's a reason that one of my PS2 controllers is missing it's R1 button, and the right stick.)

    ((...I can see your point about wanting to restart Santic. I, too, am getting bored with the setting, and was in fact about to post having Psy tell everybody in his group that he is teleporting them out of there whether they like it or not. But then I remembered that's probably godmodding, and promptly went back to the drawing board. Still, if we restart now, then there will be some people who will be disgruntled, and I will also not like having to restart from the bottom with Psy again(hey, it's a remake and I'm lazy with new characters.)

    Of course, there is one last option you have: you could always do the god of all timeskips, aka skip us forward a few days, weeks, or even MONTHS. That way we could get out of this endless cycle of the setting since then we could be possibly halfway across Lasvion, in a totally new environment. That also brings about its own issues, but then again, it could be a better option to a complete and total wipe.))
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