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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Just once. It doesn't have a lot of HP, but it's dodgy as all hell, even at max accuracy.

    That's the perfect ending? Never knew.

    (We'll see then)

    (Thank you :3)

    (Meh, I guess they were just lazy then and wanted to make you pull your hair out in frustration)

    (Nobody really likes grinding, but its necessary many times.)

    (Ah I see. Now it sounds much better than before.)

    (I was the same way about drive forms, but whenever I felt like I was going to die I just transformed and BAM I'm at full health and kicking ass again. The MP bar I actually like better in KH2 because it still recharged much faster than in KH1, and excluding some boss fights, you don't really need magic to fight: the keyblade is plenty to kick your opponents ass. Finally, cure didn't restore your entire health though in KH1, I believe, and it only healed one person. It really got beefed up to deserve a total depletion with full healing and a large area of effect.)

    (More than you would think. I managed to get him down to 1hp before, but since I was under berserk charge, I couldn't use a combo finisher to beat him, and thus I died with him having 1hp left. Cue me saying this:

    Of course, that only made me even more determined, and thus the next battle I finally beat him. Cue a hell of a lot of dancing out of sheer joy.)

    (Your last post in the caption the avatar above you thread is just....XD)
    Actually, if somebody attacks it, it counters with 10,000 needles. On its turn, it uses 99,999 Needles. Yea, its basically instant death for whoever is targeted. It has low HP, though, so if you have some overdrives that can hit for 99,999 total then you can KO it relatively easily.

    Meh, if a game has crappy enough gameplay I don't really care how I see the cutscenes. If the game is good, though, then I would rather unlock them myself.

    (You'd be surprised)

    (I take it back I take it back!)

    (I guess it would be too hard to randomly decide who the new leader would be. I just wish that your allies would keep fighting on until they were dead.)

    (100% is always hell)

    (The materials were easier than you would think. There is only 7 Orichalcum+'s in the game, though, so you need an Energy Crystal in order to reduce that requirement in half. Other than that, the materials were easy to get, albeit sometimes boring when you have to grind for some of the materials.)

    (That seems like an interesting strategy. Still, if Goofy ran out of MP, then you could end up screwed.)

    (I always found KH2 much easier. It's probably from a combination of drive forms, most nobody forms being even easier than the heartless, and the fact that you no longer need a hell of a lot of MP in order to keep using spells, since it naturally regenerates.)

    (It was hellish hard, though. I nearly died at least 14 times during that battle, 4 of them being from him using "Heartless Angel" which reduces you to 1HP and 0MP. Always makes me have a heart attack when he starts to use it.)

    EDIT: Wait, scratch the 1HP part. You DIE from Heartless Angel unless you have the Second Chance ability equipped
    Try the cacti-thing(I don't remember what they are called) boss. It's move will OHKO basically anybody.

    I can't really stand crappy games at all. If I really want to know the story, there's always Youtube.

    (I see your point. I'm just warning you that the card system+3D=awkwardness)


    (I DID die a few times last night while I was playing it. Those things are so annoying when they gang up on your leader and you can't switch to your healing class fast enough. Also, lets not forget the suicidal bombs who use self-destruct more than those damn wild geodude's T-T.

    Oh. That seems much easier than true 100%.

    KH1 secret bosses easier than KH2 bosses? What is this madness? On KH2, I managed to beat Sephiroth on Proud mode at level 69. The recommended MINIMUM level for a Proud mode attempt is level 80. I'm not entirely sure how I did it, but I know that I had all of my drive forms maxed out to get the level 3 abilities, and Ultima Weapon was my weapon of choice for its ability(MP Hastega is an amazing ability when you use Curaga a lot). I also had several Elixer's, which are a lifesaver after he uses that one attack that gets you down to 1hp and no MP. If you want, I could send you the list of abilities that I had equipped and what I did to beat him(I still have the save file, so I would just try and beat him again.))
    That's too bad, but at least it will actually be a surprise if/when Rebecca hears of her skill.

    That's fine. Like I said, I sometimes delay things myself! But even though the RP is kind of dead, I'd still like to hear what you think of Diamond. Just to know where I am with making characters.

    I think she's one of the more obvious cases of me just winging it with the characterization. And because I sort of tossed my description of her personality out of a window with the first post I'm not exactly sure how to describe her.

    Because I accidentally made a derp with the links last time (and I posted more since then), here are my posts in chronological order. Post one, post two (not one of my better ones, looking at it now), post three, post four, and post five. Hopefully I didn't skip anything. Now that I look at it, my post count is really small... ^^;
    Wait, so does everyone in the group actually have a title/power? Or is the absol just making things up?

    I'm interested in what Rebecca's title is, if you can tell me.
    I've faced many of the arena bosses-and got my ass handed to me many times. Seriously, those things can kill you quickly if you aren't fully prepared, and even then you have a high chance of getting killed.

    My limited time to play was mainly around the middle of the school year. Now, I have far too much time(damn you finishing most of my good games.) And I'm surprised that you have such high endurance for games with crappy gameplay. For me, if it doesn't have at least passable gameplay and an excellent story to make up for the gameplay, I'll stop playing it fairly soon.

    (It's harder to hit things in 3D, surprisingly. The card system just doesn't really work out, in my opinion, in 3D. On a handheld, however, it works great for me. I guess its just the fact that I played the GBA version before the PS2 version, since I own both)

    (....I'm going to die, aren't I?)

    (Don't forget the machines that are invincible until staggered! They're always annoying in groups of 3-5. And it is crazy to even think of truly getting 100% in a Final Fantasy game. There is just so much stuff to do in them. The closest I came was like 90% on FFX. Then again, I only have ever gotten 100% on one game: Kingdom Hearts 2. Kingdom Hearts 1 would be on the list, but the secret bosses on that game are just ridiculous. I mean, Sephiroth just goes BAMF on you on that game. And don't even get me started on that reaper thing. Takes too damn long to master the strategy to beat it and KO it.)
    Hey ^.^ I just got back and was just wondering if I could fill out and submit an application for Sanctic~ It looks amazingly fun, haha. Just wanted to find out if it was okay before posting the filled out form :3
    Well, of course you wouldn't! Without them, its near-suicide sometimes without uber-grinding. Always in Final Fantasy, the super powerful summons/weapons/easter eggs only break the main game. The side-game, however, can never truly be broken in your favor.

    ....How? :O

    (It wasn't THAT bad. I actually got some enjoyment out of it. The GBA version, of course. The PS2 version just feels....awkward.)

    (...it looks like a pig to me :c.)

    ((Oh yea, and all of the FFXIII talk we had made me pick the game back up and start playing again-from the point I left off in my second playthrough, of course. I'm currently in the Ark place, just after gaining access to all classes for all characters))
    You're over the DQ on me and RK's battle by five days. I know you're busy, but would it be easier if I just got an E-ref?
    Those secret Aeons(well, animus at least) are just so powerful, its not even funny. They are like the "all lucky 7's" thing in FFVII: they can very much so break the game, unless you're facing somebody who banishes aeons. Even then, they can cause some trouble before they are knocked out. Oh yes, and don't you love when you are just 1 little Crystanarium point away from your next stat boost/ability? Always fun to know that.

    I got about 1 hour in before stopping, so I only have an early game knowledge of it.

    (It is a tactical based game. I didn't think I would like it, and sometimes I don't, but I really do enjoy the story, and the gameplay when you aren't being bashed in over the head by your enemies.)
    Same here.

    I remember FFX's final bosses. They weren't all that hard, at least compared to FFXIII's final bosses. Then again, it always was fairly easy to grind for levels in that game, so that may be why.

    I'm going to get it as well. The preview that they had for it says that, so far, its much more enjoyable than FFXIII was, with less linearness, a refined battle system, and better graphics(which is a given). And I really hope they don't screw it up like they did X-2.

    Really? I didn't get too far in the game before saying "Screw this, I'm going back to playing Kingdom Hearts." As far as I got, however, the story and settingperked my interest at least. And man, did the lack of save points really kill it for me. Many times, I only have so long to play games, and since there was a huge lack of save points for it, I usually passed on it for my other games

    (It's an RPG game. Not quite like Final Fantasy, since its much more turn-based. It's....kinda hard to explain. Do a google or youtube search for it. You'll likely get a better explanation than you would for me. All I'll say that it's gameplay is like Fire Emblem, with the whole "If a character dies, they're gone for good thing" as well.)
    I know. I guess maybe because they're, well, the person who the story revolves around. If you dislike them, then you dislike the story, even if its good. That's just how my mind works, I guess.

    I think they put them in there just to utterly torture you. Honestly, I would rather face the final boss than a group of 6 of them. By the way, the final boss has a move that causes INSTANT DEATH. Yeah, he has a death-causing spell, so beware of that. Also, at the beginning of the battle, he gets your characters down to the red with just 1 attack. He also has a little untargetable white orb-thingy that heals him for a few THOUSAND every few seconds. He also does a lot of debuffings, drains your health to heal himself, deal a lot of damage to one person, AND sometimes repeats his ridiculous move that lowers you into the red. And that guy is just one of the three final bosses you have to face. Lose to one, and you have to beat them all again. Luckily, he's the second one, and the hardest, with the last one being the easiest, ironically enough.

    That does seem reasonable. Plus, she's on the cover, and I think that people just think of her as the leader/main character of the main characters, if you get what I mean. With FFXIII-2 having her be a major character again also helps to push this theory, at least in my opinion.

    Its too bad, really. The story and setting seem quite interesting. Too interesting to be bogged down by such bad gameplay. Oh yea, and a severe lack of save points. Seriously, I went for 30 minutes outside of battle without finding one.

    (I replied to your reply)

    ((Have you ever played Valkyria Chronicles? If you haven't, you really should.))
    Hoorah. Let's go kill some pixies!

    (... My Internet won't open on my comp. Meaning I can't make good posts.)
    I actually liked Tidus. Sure, he was a little winey like Hope, but he also had slightly more depth than him. Plus, he's the main character, and I am unable to hate the main character of a game for some reason.

    The last enemies were pretty tough, especially when there is like 5 of them at once, with one of them being a transforming behemoth(god, I hate those. Get them down 1/2 health, and they just heal themselves and become god incarnates.)

    I should try that team out. It could help to solve my problem with facing a lot of enemies at once, when they aren't all destroyed by Lightning's overpoweredness.(that makes me wonder: why does everybody use lightning as the person they control? It always seems like people use her and nobody else.)

    The tutorials were horrible, and the pacing was just off for FFXII. Plus, once you get in combat, YOU CAN'T GET OUT. Seriously, it was so annoying to try and escape that I never did really try.

    I guess we can just leave X-2 as just "meh".

    (I'll send a PM about it later)
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