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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Since my last message ran out of room(*grumbles about PS3 character limit*), here's another message to add on a couple other things:

    Who do you usually run in your team for battles? I usually run Lightning(whom I control), Vanille, and Sazh. I attack with Lightning, Vanille debuffs opponents+heals+uses magic attacks when needed, and Sazh uber buffs+uses magic attacks/shoots things up with his gun, as needed.

    I also forgot to mention that I have FFXII and have played FFX-2. I haven't done too much with FFXII(probably due to not liking the gameplay too much), so that's why I forgot about it. FFX-2....I don't wanna talk about it. The story was just ridiculous, although the battle system was at least enjoyable and, if you think about it, an early version of the paradigm system.

    (Completely unrelated to FF, but is it alright if I used Anna and Arylett in a fanfic I am writing? I completely forgot to ask when I posted the Prologue, and now I just wanna ask before I get any further into the story.)
    Its on the first disk, since its fairly early in the game.

    Oh man, I can just remember some parts of the game where its pretty much 100 enemies between you and the next story moment. That's where they screwed up pretty badly, imo, along with the linearness(although you could say that they are tied together due to more linearness meaning less side-quests to break up the action). The story is somewhat confusing, but I also like it a lot. And I hate, hate, hate Hope. He has literally no purpose after resolving his conflict with Snow. Plus, him being very winey(is this even a word? XD) just makes him worse.(I just invested everything into Lightings' weapons. By the end, she had better stats than everybody, except for Vanille who barely beat her in magic).

    Oh yea, and the final boss will probably massacre you the first time you face it unless you are ridiculously overleveled. Just a fair warning.
    Did the last half of your post in "Another" actually happen? I was curious, as the writing tense changed.
    My first one was actually X. I didn't really play too many of them, due to my inability to really find games when I was that young. It was only made worse by the fact that I played Kingdom Hearts a lot, so I was like "I wanna find the games that these guys are from. They're so awesome D:". I managed to eventually get FFVII, though, on my PS3 due to them having it on sale on the PS3 store(:D). I'm going to eventually get VIII, but first I gotta beat VII. I'm currently on the part where Cloud just related that huge part of the backstory involving Sephiroth, up to the part where he and Sephiroth were about to fight and then he can't remember what happened after that.

    I also have XIII, which I actually like quite a bit despite what some people say(although I do hate the extreme linearness about it).
    I know, right? When I first played the games, I didn't get many of the things in it(yay really young childhood memories! :D). Now, though, when I replay them, I pretty much go ":o. When did these people start saying these great sayings? I don't remember this!"
    Sanctic plot control question.

    You said you didn't want any random attacks, but I was just wondering if I could bring up a Diglett to fight only Darksong's character for a minute so she could evolve. I already got this OK'd with Darksong, but I wasn't sure if small skirmishes that weren't focused on the entire group were all right with you.
    *pulls out mirror* *taps mirror three times with index fingernail* *stone room swims into view* HEY, DOCTOR JEREMEY! DOC- oh, there you are! Yes, please come here, it's nice to see you too. Could you hold your hand up to the mirror for a minute? It's a long story...

    *he holds up two five-fingered hands*

    (As am I! P:)
    I guess that my reffings aren't considered high enough quality. I am fully in support of my promotion at any point, since it means more money for me :D
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