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Arylett Charnoa

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  • *shrug* If you say so. I guess I'll do it whenever I pick FF7 up again and get to that part.

    (The ones from KH1 are easier than the KH2 ones-except for the Cerberus Cup on KH2. C'mon, you know all you did during that cup was spam your best drive form and kick their ass :P)

    Alright thanks for clearing that up.

    (Ah I see. I guess I was just lucky when I just ran into a bunch of people using things like sheer cold spamming Dewgong)

    (I might be able to sneak on sometime and post, unless you wanna see a lot of super short posts from my PS3 from me)
    I also use "suddenly" a lot! And semicolons. All the semicolons. ALL OF THEM.

    I got so absorbed in things that I forget about anything else! Including the bathroom. And yes, we seem to do so.
    We'd need a lot of arena playthings, then. Chairs and tables and desks... we could even have medicine on the side that we could try to reach! I'm beginning to like this idea.

    You're pretty much right on that. I'm pretty sure the majority of moves I had are ones I've never used. In fact, out of the ones I kept the only one I've used is headbutt.
    We haven't had a "boss battle" where it'd be necessary to stat up in a while, actually. And even if I had it then, encore (and charm) wouldn't do much on a substitute...

    Okay. Looking at it now, I sort of overestimated how large it was. ^^; I have a feeling I'll really be relying on that macho brace. Although I haven't really had that many EXP days in this system, so I suppose that I'll know more next round!
    Hmm, I can see your point. Still, hard sounding sidequest sounds hard @_@.

    (KH2 just involves a bit of easy grinding, treasure hunting, and tournament bashing I believe. KH1 I don't exactly remember, but I do remember that it was just too hard for me to ever do for some reason =/)

    Ah alright. So they would be kinda like the evolve by move thing(at least, how I understand that clause) where you just get the move for free and not count towards the 4 total moves? Or am I missing something here(like I usually am)? >_>

    (Thanks. And Random Matchup isn't very good, honestly-too much possibilty to run into people doing shits and giggles sets like OHKO moves. I was mainly talking about for battling people who don't use PO, which is most. And I can't post tomorrow most likely due to being unable to use my Dad's computer(the only one w/Internet) since he's paranoid as hell I'll get a virus on it. Really sucks since I also can't chat with a few people via yahoo and can't post reffings as well >_>)
    Meh, I'm not really a fan of sidequests in most Final Fantasy games. They often aren't as good as they can be, or don't give adequate rewards for completing them.

    (Good luck! Ultima Weapon is harder to get in KH1 than KH2, in my opinion, so...yeah. Also, I tried beating Sephiroth on KH1 at level 60 on standard. I didn't even hit him once @_@)

    Alright, glad I got that cleared up. One last thing, though: what would the special moves that we got from the 1 month special count as?

    (I do, actually! Unfortunately, my team is stuck on Pokemon online due to using DW zapdos and DW suicune, which aren't released yet, but once they are, I plan on doing it a lot more.)

    (Alright, I just needed to let you know. It especially sucks since unless I get lucky I can't use the Macho Brace boost. Sounds a lot like my luck(excluding the shiny Machop :P))
    I suppose we could just use canon moves? I kept my special move and probably everyone who had it, but I don't see why we can just use a replacement. *Shrug* Four will make the battle a lot harder, but in a way it'll be simpler. I guess we won't have to worry about conditionals! xD Should we universally allow chills?

    It seems good, although choosing only four moves was difficult. The levelling was clever, and it does seem a lot more clear. However, the new EXP requirements are pretty intimidating. At least I have the macho brace! I've been writing up one of my biggest posts yet, I think, so hopefully that'll give me a boost. It's mostly one of those long rambly character things, though.
    Oh yeah, and I'm unable to use an actual computer for a while(using my PS3 right now), so I can't really post at all on Santic. Just so you know
    Even more joyful! >>

    (I know that I sure as hell was banking on it)

    (It was. Now I'm training it up to know Stone Edge/Dynamic Punch/Payback/Ice Punch. With No Guard, this set guarantees destruction-so long as my opponent doesn't have a OHKO move and uses it >_>)

    I think it's good, for the most part. I'm really annoyed by the 4 move limit, however, because I actually was using most of Psy's moves. Plus, I'm not sure what to classify Will-o-Wisp as since it was an egg move in gen 3&4 and a TM in gen 5 for Kirlia. Also, Kirlia's learn Psychic by level up and TM, so I have no clue which way it would be classified.
    Alright! I'll be posting tomorrow or well, later today in the afternoon.

    And are you going to be in the battle in ASB for Santic? I need a free slot first and I'm going to fight with Liza, I got my Mienfoo :3
    Oh joy sidequests. Should be fun >_>

    (I should have been clearer. I meant to say that I stopped right before I would have broken my only good PS2 controller. So yeah, its still alive and I can still play my PS2 games without a lot of irritation. And I don't even want to know how long it took them to beat the game at level 1. Luckily for them, there is actually a minimum damage limit, so they would still do decent damage to even late game bosses.)

    (Thanks for both things! I was surprised too when i found it, and it almost fainted. I was about to have a heart attack when I accidentally attacked it again; luckily, I didn't get a crit and so I caught it. Now, all that's left is deciding what type of moveset I'm going to run on it....)

    Yeah. Negrek said we could use only ten moves (if we want to go with our movesets) but asked if we would just want to get a sig attribute or something for the event moves. Does your sig attribute include overheat? I could buy encore, probably, and if not I could just write up a sig attribute. Although Skyman can't get mega punch, so he might have to think of an attribute too...

    EDIT: Why do I keep on thinking we have ten moves. I mean eight, sorry.
    I'll definitely keep that in mind.

    I see. I'm curious as to what may cause her to wake up.

    (I realized that. I gave up soon after that post, right before I broke my only good PS2 controller. Still, there are people who have beaten him on Critical at level 1. Those people are insane T_T.)

    ((Oh yea, and Sabrina evolved into an Espeon. Mewmew mentioned that's what she would evolve into before))

    (((Oh yea, adn I just realized that I'm still level 4 somehow, even though I have enough exp to level up)))

    (HOLY CRAP I JUST CAUGHT A SHINY MACHOP. It has No Guard and is Jolly natured)
    I can never think of any way to close the round other than my standard fallback.

    10 AM? I once stayed up all night trying to get one little peice of CSS to work with the HTML and oh goodness now we're arguing over who's done the most pathetic thing.

    Read it. Nice idea you had there. Great way to repump life into the RP.
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