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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Blazhy no liek them hugs. *cowers* But lulz, female uncle :D I have a unique family.

    So I assume you'll do it like at 11 at night? Go uncle go!

    Ah, I see. How long have you been having the classes? We moved pretty fast, so I couldn't remember stuff, I guess. What's your definition of 'basic' though? Because not that I think about it I don't remember how to do tables and position absolute anymore ;_;

    Yes, that's the case with many people these days xD Chocolate = unhealthy, but they don't care~

    Well, yeah, I think they think because they're old they know everything :< Like the WAY OF THE WORLD and HOW EVERYTHING WORKS huzzah!

    Nice~ Too bad I'm going to be trying to get a PS3 for Christmas this year, or I'd probably go for a laptop. I have some gripes about the lack of mouse (because I do like everything with the mouse) and the keyboard placement, but meh.
    My brother's bed is right up against the wall, so yeah, it doesn't hurt my back (my brother has a laptop but he took it with him when he went into university). And I usually have the blanket between me and the laptop, so s'all good there, too.

    Technically my parents should go to bed early too, since they need to wake up at the same time as me (7:30 ish, and my dad sometimes even as early as 4), but nooo. They stay awake and watch TV, or read a book. :| How do they manage on so little sleep?

    Nooo the world is now doomed ;-; But that's okay because more people in TCoD = more fun! :D

    Yes, she is, isn't she? *sigh* I wish I had her skills in digital art. It's just... gah.
    ... ;-; This is the best day of my LIFE. I have a TCoD family. *bawls tears of joy*

    I have this huuuuge assignment due Thursday, and I haven't gotten any of it done :> Hee.

    Yeah, I did take a class xD I just fail at memorizing code stuffs. Actually, now I can't remember anything I learned, except for damned basic HTML >.>

    Ah yes, those are awesome! :'D I loooove those. Actually, I'm a sucker for fruit overall. Especially berries.

    GRARGHHH >:U WHERE DID IT GO. MAH PENNYYYYY. IT MUST BE YOU! *points dramatically at a random bystander*

    Ha, lucky you xP My parents are always like, ">:O GET TO BED. OR YOU WON'T WAKE UP EARLY ENOUGH TOMORROW." And when I tell them I can't go to sleep this early, they go, ">:O YES YOU CAN. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. LALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU."

    Ah, so you use a laptop? I still use my desktop. The monitor's really old; keeps freezing :< But otherwise it still works fine. I wish I could use the computer in bed, or something, though. So comfy~

    My body is really hard to get out of bed, too, but I can never fall back asleep ;-; So in the end, after half an hour of tossing about, I get bored and hop out of bed. Both my parents go to sleep uber-late though, so I can't sneak around them like that.

    Yes D: TCoD is a highly addictive drug! Beware, kids! T_T

    This is my friend's dA, and this is one of her Paint-done thingies. Now that I think about it, I don't think she's done many more in Paint, but meh xD
    I shall now refer to you as Uncle Lett. And the whole of TCoD shall follow in my footsteps!

    Ah, m'kay. I gotta try that some time. Too... much... homework x_x

    Ah, I see. I tried learning to make a webpage before, but I failed miserably xD It's so complicated! And tech is just short for technology xD I'm not exactly sure what we learn there, though.

    I know! :'D It's just... There's nothing like it! *punches the air* Though I'm not very fond of chocolate myself so change that to some fruit-flavoured candy or other and s'all good :3


    LOL xDDD That would be a brilliant idea, but paranoid societies will demand that the genders be separated :| And IRL I talk to guys the most, so. It'd be kinda dull for me.

    Alright =.= My parents decided last night to cut the house's electricity at 10:30 if I'm not off the computer in an attempt to get me into better sleep habits. *wrings the air* WHRYYYY D: There's no avoiding my parents ;-;
    I know, eh? It's like the bed is a maaaaaagnet or something. Too comfy :3

    Damnit, I wish I could sleep as late as you guys D: How do you do it? I suck at going to bed early - my mom forces me to go to bed at 11, most of the time, but when I can I tend to stay up 'til one. But I wake up at like 10 anyway ;-; It sucks.

    YES I AM. *beams* (I'd probably lurk on TCoD even though only like, 5 other people are online and the places I frequent most have no chance of updating OTL)
    I was referring to the monsters jumping out while you walk two steps to a city/dungeon/whatever when your guard is at its lowest. Cowardly.
    Yes, Uncle :V I shall refer to you as Uncle from now on.

    ...Er. I tried that, but I saw no visible difference o.o Do you have to mess with the opacity setting to see the results, or something?

    Ah, nice. Web Design class? :0 What do you do there? I have Tech this year, but only next semester.
    Editing photos is bleh :V Even though I've never tried it. But eh, it sounds very boring.
    Smooth shading :D Can't live without it OTL It is the LAW of my LIFE. *crickets*

    Yeah, she shades on Paint, though she usually uses Photoshop Elements something. Shading on Paint takes her metric frick-tons of time xP If you want, I can link you to her dA. We have computers in English, yes, but the keyboards suck :V It's mostly for schoolwork, but that doesn't stop us from going on forums and stuff, heh.

    Too small :V Crinkly paper = ruined paper.

    >:U BUT IT'S MINE. IT WAS CLOSER TO MY FEET. *clawed* D:< My face, MY BEUATIFUL FACE *thrashes*

    Haha, same here! xP But that's precisely what GPSs are for. To strip away people's geographical awareness! *ominous music* It's a trap.

    Er, a sleep circle is basically the darker circles you have around you eyes when you don't get enough sleep xD Or it might refer to people... twisting in a perfect circle before going to sleep...?
    Same here, again xD Homework is just begging to be procrastinated! I went to sleep at like, 1 last night, despite my parents' constant nagging. My sleep pattern is pretty consistent, though. But that doesn't make it any easier to get out of my bed in the morning :<
    Damn, 2pm, right? That's late xD The latest I've woken up is 11:45. OTL I can't sleep late.

    AND THEIR EPIC KNOWLEDGE, TOO. SO WE DON'T HAVE TO DO HOMEWORK AND WE CAN CATCH UP ON SLEEP. (though we'd probably lurk around on TCoD until 3 in the morning instead)

    (17 paragraphs, woah xD I'd probably view it, procrastinate on replying to it, and forget about it.)
    I was referring to the Mommy hovering over my shoulder at the type of typing, but... What if I call you Daddy?! *shot, bricked, and Hyper Beam'd*

    Well... I've heard it does, but I've never been able to find it! >.< So I just mess with the flow settings. It's pretty effective, actually. I tend to be epicly crazy when I colour! :0 I use like, 5 different shades, and then a bazillion tints, and a paper stump, white colour pencil, blah blah blah. It takes HOURS ;.;

    At first I had no idea either, but thankfully I had my brother to teach me. He's like, the technology whiz of the family. I'd love to draw pixely, but even if I could, I'd probably go ">:U" and make all the shading smooth and everything because I'm OCD like that.
    Paint is pretty awesome~ I have a friend who can draw on Painit really, really well, and I don't know how she does it ;.; But it's incredibly fun when I have nothing to do in English, so I can just doodle away :)

    But that's the computer's MOUTH. It'll eat the paper alive! D: I can't wish such a horrid death on any living being!

    NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT'S MINE *attackinates*

    Actually, maps are useful. Just that we fail at reading useful stuff OTL But then again, that's what a GPS is for~

    It does! D: Almost everyone I know has sleep circles and stuff, because homework drains all their sleep time =.=" I try to sleep really long on weekends, but I always end up going to sleep at like, 12 and waking up at 9 regardless OTL So, not much of a difference.

    (Nooo D: Cruel! And boy, are these VMs long xD)
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