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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Well, five years ago I made my MSN email. For some reason my brother said that you had to have three numbers at the end of your email (he had 309 at the end), so after much delibiration I just chose 3 random numbers, which happened to be 889, and it stuck.

    I know, eh? We had to study a bazillion words to prepare for a spelling bee, and I found it pretty amusing when I found out how much English 'borrows' from other languages.

    I WILL HELP HIM REALIZE HIS POTENTIAL. HE COULD BE A MILLIONAIRE. Alternatively, I could jack his phrases and stick them on t-shirts and become a millionaire myself, but that doesn't seem very nice.

    CANDY. *noms* Damnit I've had to go so long without my fruit-flavoured gummies and aaaa D:

    Yes, same here OTL I'm dying in the electricity unit because I can't do jackshit in math! I need to bring a calculator to science, but I keep forgetting, and last time I brought a calculator to class, I somehow managed to smash in the calculator's back. While it was in my binder. How does that work>

    Ahah, I don't have any homework so I can't procrastinate xD Wait I'm procrastinating on my portfolio. Crap. *runs around* Strict time limits drive me crazy, too, and in the end I just give up. *points dramatically at NaNo*

    I know, eh? And fun to talk to. Plus they have the same inexplicable sense of humour as I do! And babies cry all the time, and that gets on my nerves. ._.

    Nephew...? I'm a guy now? :0

    Yes, much less! I tend to use hand gestures a lot in conversations, too. And somehow I can still keep the conversation going like that.
    Yes, the injoke sounds interesting. It involves a town that has 150 policemen per 1 person.

    ...You can cook cereal? x'D I thought that you know, you just poured milk in your bowl and poured in the cereal.
    I try to, but I always end up forgetting them. Anyway, blazheirio889 is just an alias I've been using for years, and it just feels unnatural to type Blazheirio by itself.

    ...That's right. xD Whoops, forgot about it. I think it's because I've been watching too much anime/reading too much manga. Foreign languages influence me a lot.

    I told him that over MSN. Though he hasn't replied yet. No doubt he's facepalming like mad over at his side, because he hates it when people misinterpret his sayings.

    *cowers* ...Uncle? D:

    Ah, no, I haven't learned much about genetics yet, if at all xD I faintly recall doing something like that in elementary school, but it was simple stuff - drawing different coloured gummy bears from a bag and writing its corresponding gene on a piece of paper.

    I'm actually ehhh-ish at math - I mean I can do multiplication really fast, at least - but I cannot do mental math for my life, and it takes me forever to grasp new concepts. I still need to remember chemistry for the finals though ;-; Save meeeeee

    Ohhh, I see! xD That sounds pretty nice... Though I'd probably still procrastinate like no tomorrow and never get inspiration to get anything done. I don't do well in EXTREMELY strict time limits, either, but hopefully the company stuff isn't too strict :3

    Actually, nearly all my friends are guys. The gamer guys, to be exact. They're fun to hang out with, especially because I actually know what they're talking about. Though the guys I don't hang out with, naturally, are immature. >.> Oh, and don't forget the crying part about babies. They drive me nuts.

    Whooo~ So you can come over on next Thanksgiving or something and then I can demand many boxes of blackberries from you in exchange for uncle points? :D

    Thanks; I'll need it OTL I'm incredibly uncomfortable with people I don't know. As for phrases... Well currently, I have an inside joke with a small portion of my classmates that includes the numbers 150 and 1. More generic, though, is when people ask me 'what's up', I just look up towards the ceiling. No talking needed :3

    Yes, it will. And I suck at cooking, anyway. The only thing I can cook decently is eggs.
    ...But madeup languages are fun (and now that I think about it, Arylett does sound like a suitable word for red). And your username looks so much more professional than mine xD Mine has numbers and no capitals and blahhhh.

    Well, yes, most of the time. But what about words like 'bonsai'? I dunno, using the 'i' sound for 'ai' has always made more sense to me. And well yes... fancy stuff = nice stuff.

    Oh, God, that would be hysterical xDDD I'm going to suggest that to him tomorrow! And it was actually supposed to be 'fear ensures loyalty'. One day he randomly yelled it ou in class really loudly, but everyone thought he said 'beer ensures loyalty'... Yeah...


    Ahhh, genetics I don't really get too much ._. Mostly because we haven't started that unit, but. I don't really get DNA and stuff. I suck at math too, whooo! *highfives* It's the combining stuff that gets me in chemistry. That and all the memorizing we have to do.

    ...Well... It's better than dying of sadness? :'D

    I'm not quite sure what liberal arts is ^^; I wanna be a graphics designer myself, actually. I don't mind strict areas, as long as it isn't toooo strict and there's a reasonable time limit. I mean, if I was all mellow then I'd procrastinate like no tomorrow and I'd never get anything done xD And thanks :3 Though I dunno if I'll be able to draw all this stuff before the due date.

    Ahh, I see xD I'm still like 13 at heart, I like to think, because I act a bit more childish than the rest of my classmates. I'm not sure how old I look, though :| I suck at that stuff. I can't tolerate kids younger than me by more than 2 years, though - most, at least - so I won't be a mommy either xD Babies creep me out on top of that.
    BUT WAIT. You won't be a mommy, you'll be an uncle!

    Ahhh, admittedly sometimes I prepare a bit of a script for myself in the morning xD Like, little phrases which I can drop in in loosely-defined situations. And I need to be interviewed to get into that program I was talking about earlier.

    Yes, it can xP But there's some other stuff that I need to get out for, like... I dunno, eating out, or something. Pizza just isn't the same if you're ordering delivery xP
    Yeah, it actually is :0 Steel/Dragon type (damnit Dialga stole its waht-used-to-be-unique-typing!). This huge mechanical dragon with sharp edges everywhere, and killer velociraptor toes. Yes, I can kill people with nothing but my toes. *wiggles threateningly*

    Well... It's 'e' combined with 'i'. Sort of like é... you know? Or how 'e' sounds like in Japanese. Ah, it's sorta hard to explain. I do that, too - I mean until my friend pointed it out, I didn't know how to pronounce carotid and jugular correctly (ca-ROE-tid instead of CARE-oh-tid and JOO-gyu-lur instead of JUH-gyulur), among many other examples. For me, it's general retardedness :3

    Yeah, I know eh? And you can jack some phrases behind his back and randomly spout them yourself! *ahem* BEER ENSURES LOYALTY >:(

    Well, yes, that's true. Or in the case of Japanese, people learn random useless phrases from anime xP I only know how to curse mildly in Japanese, actually.


    Ahhh, I really really really suck at chemistry ._. I kept mixing up binary compounds with molecular compounds and thus I bombed spectacularly on this one quiz. Though I'm good in ecology and biology because I tend to study animals in my own time anyway :P

    Well, that's probably be possible, if very improbable. Like... you're so happy that your heart skips one too many beats and then... you die... yeah.

    Ahhh, I'm scared too even though it's ages away from when I'll be going into university >.< I'm aiming to get into this really strict art university, if only to rub it in my brother's face because he got rejected, and in order to actually make it I need to get into some kickass highschool art program and have a really good background and blah blah blah aaaaaaaa
    Yeah, I'm a freshman. 14. I don't think anyone's ever said that to me, though xD And no offense taken - I find that people younger than me are ridiculously annoying, as well.

    OKAY DEAL. That's... 700,000 boxes of blackberries :D Blazhy is a happy dragon!

    Aaa, yeah, I get what you mean xD I'm usually like that with intimidating people... Otherwise I go with the flow and tend to be utterly random. Today I was yelling "SHINY BUIZEL AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA" to my other Pokemon-loving friends at random intervals, hee. :3 Putting people on the spot is like, uber-pressure, man. Which is why I am NOT looking forward to the interviews I have to do soon ;-;

    Ahah, yes! xD I stay under the facade that I like scanning stuff myself. Hopefully by the time I grow up I can stay in my house and never see the light of day while OTL
    Well, yes. I designed the Fakemon myself, though. :P It happened to be my favourite Fakemon in grade 5, which is when I started using this username, and it just stuck.

    Ahhh xD Yeah, English is weird in the way that one word can be pronounced different ways. I mean, I've always wondered why the word 'raise' is pronounced with an 'e' sound...

    He is pretty epic. We call him a fortune cookie because he randomly spouts sayings at least twice a day.

    Yeah >.> It's rather jarring when the only thing they know how to say is swear words and such.

    ...WHUT. I was at 76,000 last time I checked.

    xD Whoops. I guess I should talk about hardcore science stuff around you...?

    ...That would be awesome. I'd die either from suffocation, or from an exploding stomach when I eat too many jellybeams. Awesome.

    Ah, nearing university, are you? :0 ...Unfortunately I'm actually a highschool freshman, myself OTL It's gonna be a long 4 years. (and yay I'm tastee!)

    Fine, but you better pay me back. This stuff is expensive, you know. *hands you a cleverly disguised KFC box*

    Ah, yes, essays are easy, actually. I rock at writing them. And they're much easier than starting a conversation OTL I guess I'm just good at continuing conversations because of my vast knowledge of useless stuff.
    YAY SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS *highfives* I have a fear of cashiers... I'll be screwed when I grow up.
    Ahhh xD Damn my brother and his hard-to-pronounce-Fakemon names! *shakes fist*
    Orly? Well, I guess otherwise you wouldn't have put the correct pronunciation in your signature. I actually pronounced it right the first time I read it (I've been lurking in these forums for a loooooong time before actually joining), but... Well, what are some of the funnier variations you've heard? xD

    Yes, yes, it could be :0 Although I actually ripped it off of a friend who randomly says that a lot. I have no idea why.

    xP Well, I know a bunch of people who aren't Chinese but know a few Chinese words. Most of the time they're... very rude.
    I think you've mentioned stomachal before xD Thing is, Chinese is spoken very different from English, so we don't mix up English and Chinses words. We just usually use some Chinese words and English words in the same sentence.

    WHUT. INJUSTICE. UNCLEEEEEEE D: *offers you some chicken*

    Yeah. But I like to be unique! Ahah! ...Now that reminded me of this time when I heard someone say to someone else, "Okay, so we know that when it's cold that there's a lack of heat outside. But who says that? I mean, people say, "Wow, it's cold out," not, "Wow, there's a lack of heat outside."

    I'd prefer death by fruit and jelly beans, but whatever floats your boat~

    xDDD I actually laughed when I read that. So, I'm guessing that the school really will fold in on itself? And I wasn't saying that the freshmen were fun or anything; I was saying they're tast- *claps hands over mouth*

    Well then, it's a really small human leg. :P

    Ah, I'm the one who sucks at starting conversations really really badly, but is really good at jumping in. So I have a bunch of friends, though I find it hard to make new friends.
    ...So it doesn't sound cool when you read it properly? T_T Just kidding xP Most people don't even know how to pronounce my username properly, actually.
    Dawnsborough sounds like Drawsborough, though, which is nice because you have a good title for your art thread~ Mine, on the other hand, is called Orbital Bombardment. Durr.

    Spanish? :0 I don't know a single word of Spanish. Instead, we speak Chinglish at my house!

    Oh yes, I forgot to ask. How many points for each box of blackberries? :<

    Yeah, it isn't a colour. It's a tint. >.>

    Well then, I'll randomly teleport to where you live and force-feed you pounds upon pounds of chocolate just before I die of chronic hunchback :3

    Oh, I see. That makes sense, actually. But technically it isn't pointless because short classes + millions of freshmen (mmm- I mean) would equal the school folding in on itself, right?

    ...The chicken? Of course I do :D Chicken = tasty. Very much so. *ohmnomnom*

    Yes, it's a crucial part of critique, if I may say so myself xP
    You do seem pretty awesome and hyper to me~ Or that might be because the internet works magic effects on people.
    Ah, but your username sounds nice anyway :3 Better than blazheirio889, which was also a random concoction.

    Stomachal...? Is that a word? xD Erm... *offers you a chocolate bar plushie*

    Ah yes, a lot of people on the forums have played TWEWY, I believe. And Okami just has an awesome art style. And music. I'm listening to the OST right now, actually.
    I haven't had time to play either FF or KH OTL Despite hearing about it left and right. I should try them some day.

    Just me being technical~ Ignore me :3

    I'd probably die from chronic hunchback before I reach 40. So I don't have to worry about the getting-old-DISASTER.

    Oh, my middle school had 48-minute long classes so during the first few days of high school I was all "WHEN IS THIS CLASS GOING TO END @_@" xD Why did your school change the class times, though? Seems a bit like a... random decision to me...

    Uh, innocent flesh? You mean chicken? *holds up a drum stick* :'D

    I guess so xD I often mix in compliments with my critique, and most of the time they're like, "Orly? :D I don't think so myself but thanks and all!"
    Ahhh, I see xD I think I saw someone mention that it was an FF character in your avatar. Lars the Turtwig, was it...?
    After much deliberation, I named her Enhydris, which is a combination of the sea otter's binominal name OTL Uncreative, I know.

    D: Sorry, sorry! *backs off and offers chocoate*

    Ah, okay then xP Man, I wish I had a teacher who took stuff late.

    *offers even moar* ...Am I getting uncle points? :D

    Right now I'm having an obsession with Okami and BlazBlue. Before I was drooling over TWEWY. The games I usually play are ones that my brother's introduced me to, actually.

    Yes, it is! Except that it's technically not a colour but a shade, but who cares. It's awesome.

    Let's be screwed in our 30s together! :D *highfives*

    The fact that my mom will utterly murder me and scatter my corpse to the far-flung corners of the earth if she hears that I've been sleeping in class is the reason why I mostly stay awake in class. My classes are about 5 minutes shorter than yours, but it's not usually all ranting, so it's fine, I suppose. We get to choose our seating arrangements, so I usually sit beside a few reliable people xP

    Oh yeah, uh... I gotta eat dinner. :'D Yeah.

    Heh, I usually don't deal very well with compliments because I have pretty low self-esteem and so I feel unworthy, but thanks :D Erm... compliments compliments... I LIEK UR AVVIE. (I think I've said that before?)
    Yes, I did :> Aaaa now what to nickname it?

    ...FRUIT. *tackle-glomps you repeatedly*

    xD I doubt he'll have all the time to mark all those assignments? So I think you're safe. Even if they're all marked, I don't think they'll have like, a gargantuan impact on your mark.

    *offers you more chocolate* ... :3 Chocolate is a miracle cure.

    Ah, I've heard FF is really good, but I've never had the time to play it :< I'm a very selective gamer, though; I play very few games, but those that I do play I become utterly obsessed with xD

    I can use it for music, too, but I don't bother, because I'm lazy :3 Mine is black, because black is my favourite colour aside from red, and there weren't any red ones.

    I slouch all the time, even when I'm standing xD So I'm utterly screwed.

    I actually slept in class before, but thankfully someone poked me awake before I was caught. x_x

    Uh. More people to... To... Talk with, yeah! :D

    But the fact that you critique well is a testement to your artistic potential :3

    ...Okay I'm done :3

    ...D: Okay, fine. *hugs* ...Wait what are uncle points for?

    Yes, procrastination! *highfives* Substitutes are weird. Either uber-strict, uber-lenient, or just... weird.
    D: Swine flu? Nooooo *clutches your ankle* Uncle nooooo D:
    Okay all blasphemy aside, I hope you feel better soon. *sends you lots of chocolate*

    It's kinda sad that I want the PS3 for only one game, but seriously. I haven't played that game in moooonths, and I'm starving T_T
    Ooo, cellphone :3 I have a pretty old one, and it's got no games and stuff on it. So it's pretty boring. I have an iPod, but it's always connected to my computer so eh. I always forget about it.

    Ah, even if I'm sitting up, I'm always slouching. So, yeah, I feel like a bum anyway.
    At 30 I shall be a hunchback! WHO'S WITH ME

    I don't get how they do it, still TT_TT I'm like a zombie with less than 8 hours.

    More people to EAT- I mean, uhm.

    Nawww, you're pretty good :3 I haven't seen your art thread, but your critiques say something about your art.
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