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Arylett Charnoa

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  • SNAP indeed! We must make a verrrry big bear trap. *rubs hands even faster*

    So most of your stories take place in space, amiright? *shot for lame pun*


    Ah, okay... I'm still rather nervous >.> I remember joining this RP where everyone ignored me and aaaa hopefully it's not like that again and buh.
    Yeah, and some day we'll spring the trap on them! Harharhar *rubs hands gleefully*

    Maybe you can share some ideas with me, then OTL I am idea-deprived. Severely.

    Yay :D I'm on whenever I'm on the computer, which is... often. Can you add me because I'm lazy? My email be arisco889@hotmail.com.

    Well, I guess I'll finish my form >.> By the way, I'm planning to be a Gallopchi (Rapidash) and I was wondering if our characters could be friends-ish or something? I dunno, it's kinda awkward, jumping into a roleplay with all these strangers and aaaaa *hides*
    There's that! Haha anti-social people rule the world >:D Screw leadership roles and initiative and all that jazz.

    I don't really OTL I can never get ideas. I wish I could write... I have inspiration, but I never have ideas.

    :0 Perhaps we could! Derp uhh... if it's MSN, then I have it, but I don't have any other emails.

    ...maybe I'll just delete my post and creep away >.>
    Really far! Except maybe we'll die of fright during interviews. In case, no, not that far OTL

    Bah, authors probably type more (or write, I dunno) and I don't think the majority of authors have arthritis. So I think we'll be fine :3

    I prefer one-on-one's the most, except I haven't really found any willing candidates :I
    But dahhhh The Bloody Ones looks like it's gonna be big and I dunno if I wanna join anymore ;-;
    xD So do I. It's a magic talent. All anti-socials have that magic talent! :D It's like, our compensation.

    Well, arthritis medication :3 Hopefully we won't end up needing it, though.

    Yeah T_T Pity, 'cuz I like smaller RPs. And those die faster.
    xD I have my Crayolas too, but those are for school assignments. I don't really give much about school assignments, as you can tell~

    No, not really, it's my fingertips that hurt. But arthritus... is that how you spell it? I'm not sure either OTL It must suck.
    I joined Dragon's RP some time ago, but it died pretty quickly and... well, I haven't RPd since. I still have yet to finish my form, though OTL
    Oh, psh, those people are much better than me. I actually leech a few techniques from them, durhur. But I do happen to have the two sets which make the best combo, so eh :3 I am happy.

    It did. HARD. My fingers were wailing afterwards. ...But I should learn to use Word documents more ;-; Especially since I'm getting into roleplaying here. I used to be a pretty active roleplayer, but I haven't actually RPd for... years, actually, so I hope I'm still in practice OTL
    Well, the real hard-core pencil crayon artists have like, 4 or 5 sets OTL I'm getting there, though! ...well actually two sets is already enough.

    I only copypasta my reffings. But there was this one time I was typing up a signature attribute for one of my ASB Pokemon, and I didn't keep it in a Word document, and the server leapt at the challenge... I ended up having to retype the same thing three times. At it was around one and a half pages on Word? Not fun.
    I now have TWO sets of fancy schmancy pencil crayons :3 I feel spoiled. BUT NO MATTER.

    If there's one thing I hate about TCoD, it's the server. Though I guess that goes for all of us. It always burps when I post a huuuuge wall of text, and then in the end there are like four of them. And I am sad.
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