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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I support Arylettopia. That means FTWburg is an ally.

    Just figured you should know, in case there's ever a war.
    Oh. Uh. Pencil crayons = colour pencils OTL I've called them pencil crayons since I was little, so it's hard to break the habit.

    xD I've noticed. But it's no problem - as long as you reply to them eventually. Otherwise I'll feel neglected ;-;
    Sure, that would be pretty good. I sent her the whole Zemhal storyline thing a while ago, so once she gets the PM issue worked out, I can find out about that, but we should definitely ask her about the Zemhal/Atnura stuff.
    Ironic that you got a PS3 while I didn't xD How is it so far?

    AND AAAAA I GOT POLYCHROMOS PENCIL CRAYONS AAAAAAAAA I'm so excited :'D They're said to be the best colour pencils in the world~ I can't believe I actually found them! AAAAAAAAAAAAA
    MM is fun :> A lot of people find the whole "you have three days and then APOCALYPSE" thing annoying but I like it. *shrug* I keep getting stuck on OoT, it took me forever to find the Forest Temple OTL
    The game as a whole or the ending?

    The game as a whole was fantastic, definitely one of my favourites ever. The ending was good; Kuja was hard and Necron was a bit too easy (also still seems a little pointless, he basically just turns up all like OHAI MY NAME'S NECRON AND I'LL BE YOUR FINAL BOSS THIS EVENING) but yeah. Credits were annoying but what credits aren't.

    I'll play it again some time in the future, but right now FF7, OoT and Majora's Mask are more desperately in need of my attentions. I also need to try to get into FF8, it hasn't really impressed me so far.
    Hm...well I'll have to send them through pm (assuming the erasing of cookies worked) because one of them is...X-rated O_O; Send me a pm so I can try opening it.
    Tanku Arry. I agree with your advice and I can understand how you'd say I'm taking it personally, I am that retarded. ^^; I just take pride and love to death this RP becaus it is probably the only active memory of not only my beloved dog but of all of the great friends I met and experiences we shared. To think the RSP has "fanart" makes me giddy and bubbly.

    Well, now I have to see what Dwagie will say in response as well as Zora and whoever was considered being "spoken for" before I take any further action. If Dwagie and/or anyone takes this too far I will have to remove him/her/them not just because of the lack of respect but for holding up the cooperative RPers and the RP itself.

    Oh-oh! I have like 2 new pics for you by the way. One is a bit much though....>.>
    What the hell-why are my friends or...people I thought were my friends smashing me like this? If they had a problem they shouldn't have waitted for Dwagie to have to say that. The plots I had been recieving before the Halt had become noticeably focused on their character alone and I find it unfair how they try so hard to be more important. Maybe it isn't intentional but they have to think about others. Sure, a plot or two about that charrie alone is fine but every single one or the audacity of taking it upon yourself to approve your own in ripping me apart. T_T
    Thank you for your support. Yeah....I was moody and rude. Of all times for me to get so irritated it had to be right after two tests. T_T I thought 2 weeks off of school would be pleasant but why does this have to happen NOW?

    *throws self on floor in a limp heap, sniffling face down*
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