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Arylett Charnoa

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  • *grabs several whipped cream cans and straps them to back* Time to fly! >:D

    (So surupy~ They should just sell that stuff, really. I would buy in stock. And live off it.)
    D: Mommy, I'm scared... *fetal position*

    I actually pick darker shades and colour them, since it gives me more control. And then to blend I stick the brush on a really low flow setting. It's like... using an airbrush, sorta :0 I use the burn and dodge tool when I accidentally make a shade too light/dark, or when I'm lazy OTL

    I love Paint for doing pixelly sketches :D I love pixelly styles. They're so nice, but unfortunately I can't work with pixel stuff OTL I stick some sketches in Photoshop, too - I can't work without layers ;.;

    Yes! Markers! *dramatic music* Though do avoid using them on thin paper, because it looks horrible xP *attempts to shove some manga paper through the screen to you, with minimal success*

    The thing is, I almost always have to memorize them OTL And I'm none too keen about stuff that's already happened - curse you, short attention span! D: Haha, I can't read maps either; this time my mom needed me to read one for her so she would know where to go (she was driving so she couldn't look herself), and it took me several minutes to puzzle it out.

    Ah, we have Thanksgiving in October in Canada. I think it's in November everywhere else, perhaps...? I dunno.

    Yes, same! D: It doesn't help that I'm used to 10 hours of sleep, and all of a sudden high school cuts it down to like, 7 or 8. A VAMPIRE, I TELL YOU. OR MAYBE A ZOMBIE.
    (damn, you beat me to it xD Now I have nothing witty to say.)


    (I drank that peach syrup stuff from canned peaches. It made me sugar rushy, I think Dx. But maaaan so owrth it. I love that stuff.)
    Whut. What did I ever do to them? ;.;

    Heh, I barely understand any of the filters and renders and whatnot myself xP The brush tool is more or less all I need~ If you get the basic tools - brush, eraser, dodge and burn and smudge, maybe - then you're good to go.
    I never used Paint myself, actually, because I suck at pixely stuff xP And because well, back then I wasn't into digital art.

    I used to use colour pencils a lot, but now I tend to mix the two mediums. Easy to blend, but still bold... :3 It's awesome. You should try it.

    Yeah, geography >.> Though history sucks more; I can't memorize dates for my life! I know where I am, but I know nothing about the rest of the world - as some people would put it, I'm geographically challenged xD Unless the sun is out, I can't even tell what direction I'm walking in! And thanks :3

    Ah, I see xD We had Thanksgiving in October. And yes, homework suckssss D: I think everyone's sleep-deprived because of homework. It sucks sleep from us! *om nom nom*

    BURN YES. BURNNNN :D Fire fire fire fire *pyromaniac lulz*
    Yes, but apparently people like to post a lot when I'm away. *shakes fist*
    Haha, yes! That's exactly what I do! Procrastinators unite, yeahhh!! ...Tomorrow.

    Ah, nice! I myself use CS4, though admittedly I don't use many of those spiffy functions and go around with the lame old brush tool OTL

    Haha xD I thought as much. But art-related stuff is also nice! I also get excited over markers! Only them good-quality markers, though.

    Yes, a test D: On geography. I dislike geography, especially when we're learning about demographics. It's soooo boring and there's soooo much to remember argh! D:

    Damn, you get a holiday? Lucky D: My nearest holiday is... a month from now. Winter break. I do so wish I could spend all my time RPing and typing reffings, but noooo, homework! It is the bane of everything sparkly and nice >:(
    I should get into RPing more. But I'm always paranoid that my posts will get buried and I won't be able to catch up and aaaa homework ;-;
    Photoshop is nice though~ What version do you have?

    Ah, no, it's no problem. Actually, it hasn't been updated in an entire month OTL I'm the one who's lazy, heh. But aaaaaa homework ;-; *redundant*

    SOMETHING ART-RELATED UH. I get excited over pencils :'D

    I'm doing my ASB reffings right now, while I really should be studying for this huge unit test tomorrow. But pfff, reffings are infinitely more important.
    More important than Terra?
    That's not very nice to the Genomes, Movers, Hecteyeses, Ringleaders, Abadons, Amdusiases, Malboros, Shell Dragons, Garland, and Silver Dragon.
    Ohhaithar :3 Whatcha up to?

    ...Come to think of it we haven't exchanged any words that aren't about art stuff OTL We need to talk more.

    Well, even the idiotic Mike has figured that out so it's no challenge for Ze Mighty Lett, I suppose.

    And Xhan will be evil. He won't be very good at being evil, though. Because he's and idiot.
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