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Arylett Charnoa

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  • That sounds really good. I'm willing to do that, mainly so that Zemhal can get more interaction with other characters.

    Plus, that could give Zemhal another reason to be making his inventions, in order to advance through the company's ranks.
    Sorry, I am a horrible man...

    And yes, yes he is! But his character is all moody and grr and I will not talk to anybody and grr and also blind!
    I shall take my time...

    And nah, last time I saw them they were running off to a strip club together.
    Hi! We'll be getting a move on shortly so you can post okies? Just trying to finish intros etc. for new peoples. I'm sicky but trying to keep up T_T
    Ha, okay, I will...

    Ah I haven't yet, but I'll try tonight. I don't THINK I have any homework...
    Hm. Given that Aerodactyl are fossil Pokemon, and the world's pretty torn up and such by now - an Aerodactyl would be a rare sight. I could just have Skaldia fly around overhead and be spotted. Or, of course, you could have a spy in the dig team, or something more sinister~
    So, Skaldia is quite fickle, just like in the original RP, and basically ditched Lance for the honour of serving the Champion when he/she came around. However, she also wanted Lance to be disappointed or show some sign that he'd miss her, so that she could mock his compassion. Yes, she is quite twisted and petty. :P So, when he didn't, she got pissed off. And he secretly decided to check on her and was accidentally locked into the secondary chamber, and Skaldia got even angrier when she found out he was being sentimental.

    No one can win with her. x3

    Anyways, other than Skaldia ranting, basically Tanya and Sinar led most of the sleepers out of the cave, and they've been gathering around and doing... stuff. While Skaldia ranted about Lance continually, Zrantox decided to show up and try to kill stuff but was stopped by Exo's other characters, which want to isolate Pokemon and humans completely. Tanya got Lance out, and now they're trying to figure out how to get him out of the cave without Zrantox jumping on the killing spree bandwagon again.

    ...That's all I can remember. x3
    You mean what happened with Lance and Skaldia? Or what happened before they found him in the chamber?

    ...Yeah, having a seperate forum for the RPs would be handy. The RSP is getting its own, of course, but I suck at forum-making. x3
    It's not dead - I need to post and get Lance out of the stupid cave, which I need ideas on how to do... And then we can get moving. But school's started and my brain is dead.

    Yeah, TCoD's server likes to kill my RPing mood. <3 I'm sorry that you're so out of the loop, High Priestess. I feel the same way, in my own RP. That's pretty sad.
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