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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Nah, I meant I was going to snark at Emile, but I do have a backlog of a sort. >> Kiiind of, but it'll be eliminated by today, hopefully.

    I'm thinking of making a nice or at least calm character, to prove I can do it on more than one site. And not a Fire-type! *gasp*

    It's true, the legendary plots did go overboard. They were fun in the beginning, but then everything just spun out of control. There'll be some interaction with cool Pokemon that are totally not legendaries in DotP, as is standard, but I'll be minimizing their impact on everything by just stalking people and then poking them once and seeing how they take it. x3 It'll be fun.

    I think I'll have 8 sleeper spots - people swarm those like usual - and unlimited others because no one other than you ever plays human. They'll have more of a special template, given humans will move and shake the plot a lot too. I'm nervous - the past incarnations were fun but they died and I really don't want to mess this one up. D:
    Pfft, that's what I'm doing. Er, going to be doing.

    Can't wait for our groups to reunite~ Metalos is the... other half of my Plusle/Minin combination that I told you of, if you hadn't guessed. I dragged him here to ensure my muse stays up forever. :D Our characters tend to unconsciously fit together, so we decided to have a fight to break the habit for at least one RP. It was fun~ Even though it really only lasted one post and was hardly a fight, but still.

    Emile is a lot like Edward in many ways, but less so in others. The RSP did have a lot of pitfalls - though I liked some of that crazy legendary stuff, like Baz - and I'm glad we have an opportunity to learn from it.

    90's dubs were amazing. I just finished rewatching some of the old digimon seasons. My childhood~

    Pfft, honestly, I'd like that too. Post a few times a day, stalk it at school - I can do that. But the RSP got to the point of checking every five minutes and seeing a new post, and there was no member cap. And I wasn't even important, but I had to keep track of so much random stuff. XD I'd like to keep DotP sort of organized. x3 Like Sanctic! *fangirls*

    I need to come up with a new character concept - I slip into proud, easily angered characters too easily, and I'd like to try something different for once. So I'm adding that to my list of plans to make until next Monday - which is when I'll be posting up the sign-up sheet. :D
    Yeah, I only missed one day and I did the exam on cold meds.

    Hopefully I won't be snarking just at him, though - it's easy to fall into a pitfall of RPing only with Metalos. x3

    I suppose I'll get one on the PS2. The anime was good, though I only ever watched the dub, which was both corny and awesome when it aired over here.

    I can only hope, High Priestess, that DotP remains as fun this time around as last! And if it gets as much activity and entertains people as much as Sanctic, it will be an honour. <3 You've really planned out Sanctic well and you're keeping it running, which must be a really difficult task. x3
    Juuust want to return from stalking your dA to inquire about Monster Rancher. I didn't know anyone had those games anymore. ;-; I only watched the anime but I've wanted to play them... what console/handheld/whatnot is 4 on?

    Oh yeah, the special is an awesome idea as well. :D Sanctic is going really well now that Korris is a hairtrigger tool, or turning into one.
    I know, posture and facial expression are both things I have trouble with.

    He doesn't look soul-starey to me so much as like "derp".
    Fictional. As far as I know there is no such thing as a sentient tank.

    (So sorry about that, I've been really busy lately since most of my teachers have been 'AAARGHBLAGH END OF THE YEAR TIME FOR PROJECTS AND TESTS GRAAGAGH' I'll probably just act like Bépya got lost or something and have him rejoin at some point in the future, if that's alright with you.)
    Pg-13 then. *edits* LINES LINES LINES ACTION!

    (Oh, yes. I've always wanted to make a character like. Obviously not referencing Elfen Lied at all. I just really had to fit in some traumatic experiences. Poor dog and kitties...)
    Hey now. Let's keep it PG.

    (I posted! Glad I can get started in this again...)
    ...I'm fairly certain I just had a dream in which you were spying on Dementors. Then I stole some sugar.
    It's a secret, quasi-governmental organization that secures, contains, and protects objects or phenomena that threaten humanity that are called SCPs. These objects range from a two-dimensional woman who lives in paintings to an other-dimensional lizard that hates all organic life on principle.

    Actually, I do. But it's a rowboat. Luckily there isn't a strong current or anything.

    (Oh wow. I'll try to make a sucky post today, then.)
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