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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I can now! :D

    Ahhh I love you so much right now Arylett! I'll just need to keep my hiatus until around June 10th, if that's okay. Our final tests are coming soon and I won't be on too much at all.
    True, just from what they said makes me think one of them will try the fanfic route.

    You would let me come back? I would, definitely, I would just have a LOT to catch up with. And June 10th is coming soon... if I could, can I join back? I really would love to.
    Yeah. There's been a lot going on with this group, hasn't there? I wonder if it'll be even more chaotic when/if the whole group gets together again.

    :o It's been really fun, having her personality clash with the group like that. Even though it was mostly unintentional! I was just having her follow Korris and I didn't even realize that the two groups were in completely different spots. I... don't notice things that well, obviously.

    Yeah, but that was intentional. Oh well, she doesn't really fit my real life personality that well but that's fine, I guess. It does fit my avatar slightly, though...
    I know what you mean.

    Yeah, that box wasn't meant to be in perspective. I just can't draw lines.
    And yeah, looking at it I can see both of those. Must remember that for the future.
    (Also yes I think those arms are possibly the best aspect of any drawing I've ever done)
    The reason I changed to Indigo was to signal a change in my maturity. Also I like the color, too :3

    I haven't been able to find my old Mewtini avatar! The computer it was saved on crashed...
    Hey Arylett! Sorry I never replyed to the other VM, I hate school so much. But if they turn the RP into a fanfic could you tell them to include Liza? (Probably not Sam buttt) I really liked her as my character and I kinda didn't want to feel left out ^^;;

    And I could probably work in a little story about her past and everything. (I had the idea in my head but school stopped me from making it grow into her whole life Dx)
    Aww, thanks. :3 To be honest I haven't been keeping up entirely with your group (there's so many people! Dx) but I have no doubt that your human will spice things up. I imagine she'll be fighting for her to join.

    I'm just glad she doesn't sound completely stupid and Sue-ish. :D

    Especially because argh I just realized her last name is May. So embarrassing, I did not mean to do this ;_;
    I think faces are much more complicated.

    ALSO! He's a random computer guy. Man, glasses are so much easier than eyes to draw.
    (Also I don't know what he's sitting on, in my original it was just a random cuboid.)
    No, it's actually rather nice, as things go. It only attacks people who try to hurt it and actually could do so. It also can't be forced to fire on non-attacking innocents. Iy's almost the nicest thing they have.

    Besides their half of a cat.

    ((I should be back in action by the end of next week, if not sooner))
    Yeah! And then I coerced you into playing Lance! :D And Skaldia tried to kill Zrantox about twenty times over.

    Pfft, I decided that one of the advances of the exp system will be getting custom items and cool armour to make up for the lack of epic weapons that will be flooding the humans. x3
    Yeah! And then I coerced you into playing Lance! :D And Skaldia tried to kill Zrantox about twenty times over.

    Pfft, I decided that one of the advances of the exp system will be getting custom items and cool armour to make up for the lack of epic weapons that will be flooding the humans. x3
    A second character would pad out my posts and let me interact with the forest group, buuuut I don't know still. Need to think of something, and I might just shift the character concept over to DotP.

    Pfft, stalking is the best. I remember that! Skaldia followed and stalked and then broke her wing and got in a really awkward situation with everyone hating on her. Fun times.

    I meant player spots, not actual spots~ If I leave it unlimited, I get like twenty sleeper Pokemon and then two humans and six others and it's annoying. XD And I don't know if he'll NPC some, but he's going to stick to a main human character that he'll try to keep from turning into a Woobie. I'm not sure if he'll succeed in keeping him ruthless and unsympathetic, but I know he'll try.

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