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Arylett Charnoa

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    (Phew. I thought you were speaking to me in that parenthesis post. I was like OH NOEZ)
    You slapped me! ...shleeve?

    (I'm gonna start reffing when I catch up in Sanctic, so if you want to do a 1-on-1 battle with someone, then I'll ref it.)
    Regardless, I'm thinking of not having him go all-out "Kill All Humans" until Isei and Prektaan enter the picture.

    Alternatively, I might introduce Isei first, and have Prektaan come in later. Choices, choices...
    So Mourmedy is now going to be a Galactic member... I honestly don't know how Zrantox will play out reacting to that. His reaction will end up being interesting, I'm hoping.

    Of course! Are you their Princess or something. Or is it just coincidence that you have the same name?
    So Mourmedy is now going to be a Galactic member... I honestly don't know how Zrantox will play out reacting to that. His reaction will end up being interesting, I'm hoping.
    If red suits you better, then by all means. xD

    I think I can see the chain of command being an interesting point of debate for them. Technically she's just hired help Galactic brought in to be extra thorough. Supposedly that would make Prospero the one in charge, but really her personality is so much more suiting, and he'd likely oblige her anyway, being the polite, upstanding fellow he is on the surface. The fact that she doesn't buy the whole trainer trend is a plus though ~ he'll definitely like that about her.
    (Well, I was just thinking about it because I think it'd be a bit more organized and stuff. You know. Jsut thoughts. And it's finee~~)

    So. Any ideas on what she'd exactly be doing running away like this?
    Hello there, and how do you do?

    I'm sorry if this message comes out of the blue and everything, but I really must comment - your character is absolutely incredible. And associated with Team Galactic to boot. That was a clever little way of giving her a reason to be there. xD

    Would you perhaps be up for a little plotting sometime? It might be nice to get a little human team of sorts working together on DotP, since teamwork is kind of important to them and all. And I can't help but notice that Prospero and Mourmedy are opposites somewhat... he looks completely harmless while she's so outwardly hostile. I'd like to see how they'd work together, if you could give me your thoughts on that.
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