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Arylett Charnoa

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  • That would explain the mystery iof it. You don't possibly think that shecould be a clandestine master herself?

    ((By the way, you have any idea to have random signatures? Like Crazy Linoone. Don't want to copy him, but I want my Game Team Banners all on ym signature, though that makes it scroll...))
    I'll look in my Krenn's Epitome of Luckaga. In the meantime, I must master all Luckaga spells to have enough luck to possibly save her.
    Some many more!
    And now the newlt added Cele-Luckaga...
    No. I must master all forms of Luckaga first. Who knows how many there are.
    Yes, yes! I found the answer! The key!

    A spell without mother, unlike any other.
    Yet I call upon assistance to aid me with this resistance.
    Consequences unmasked, I won't fear this uneasy task.
    The rush of luck, it runs amok!

    However, do not use it. You must have full understanding and expectancy of what to happen.
    Aww... *pokes it with a 30 foot long stick* ;)

    XD I guess I could. Well.. maybe I could be a Marshal of Majestic Making of Quickness? MMMQ Maiferika? Do you have something better? Yeah.
    If I ever get it to work, I may only be able to use it once some select two days per week. Help on the lines?

    Though unlike any other, this spell has chance to smother!
    Yet I call upon assitance to help me with the resistance!
    Consequences will appear, yet no obstacle is fear!
    The rush of luck, ____!

    I have the sparkle of the magic spell on the tips of my fingers, though every last line I try wipes the lustrous light from existence!
    Yep. *Slinks back* Does it like to be petted, then? Like a puppy?

    Hehe, thanks. I just hope my teacher thinks its 3D. Yay, Princess of Procrastinsane in Ponyville! Haha, I am just silly. I'm just glad I like the subject of my project, so it wasn't that boring researching it. :)
    It's rainbow. It magically changes color to whatever you want. Would you prefer for it to be red? Okay, then. As long as I step away from the hair, I guess we'll both be fine! *Steps away*

    Yeah, thanks. It's really just a painting on styrofoam, but I suppose it'll do for 3D. I must be the princess, then, because I had a whole week off of school and some more to start it, but I didn't. I'd say that qualifies me, don't you?
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