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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Yes, you do! :) Does your hair ever try to eat you?

    Mmhmm, and I've just started the painting of the 3D thing we're supposed to do with it, so I suppose I'm one the right track. Its not insane, just procrastinsane. I have that particular brand of nonsanity myself. :3
    Um, is there something in your hair, Queen?

    (Without these conversations and the random on-the-fly worldbuilding it makes me do, I wouldn't have thought of this stuff)
    You asked if I was calling you a pervert and I replied, 'Yes I am,' and then called you hornyface
    Okay then. *Puts in hair* Your hair bites people? *Crazy look*

    I think I have the research done now! Its even a bit longer than the minimum, so that's good. But man, that sounds crazy. Hopefully it doesn't come to that with mine.
    Wait! If your floof doesn't eat anything that has not been floofenated, does that mean it's not as dangerous anymore?
    Besides you being odd? No...

    (Yeah, thanks. Can't take all the credit, because a lot of them are just based off of Swahili stuff. Stuff I'm still working on is less derivative, though. Right now, for example, I'm messing with verby things that tell magic what to do, and now that I have a baseline series of words to help me it'll be easy to invent my own words instead of stealing/messing with foreign ones.)

    Do you need assistance, Queen? I could call...

    (Not really. Basically a person can do water and ice, or earth and rock, or a combination of each element seperately if they're studious or scatterbrained, but it take two or more to make a storm, or lava, or plants. There are four main elements, fire (otom), water (ijam), earth (idrah) and wind (upepo); each one has a secondary discipline like ice for water or noise for air, and each non-opposed (water and fire, earth and wind) element can be used in tandem with the other two for different types of magic.)

    (Oh, and a fifth forbidden and impossible element, void (almujitiamaynoynuk))
    No, all luggage leaving the country gets hosed down with fruit spray. It's quite effective, it melts the eggs right off if they're there.

    Go ahead, do tell.

    (soooo fun)
    Little scaly rainbow-colored insectoid devils. The thhhzhz around, bobbing near your head and hitting you with their heavy tails. Absolutely exasperating, so thank the eight that they hate fruit. That's why everyone from my country smells of fruit much of the time, Queen. We'd just exterminate the lot of them but they breed like wildfire.

    May I ask what, erm, sets off your tic?

    (making magic systems is soooo fun)
    :3 I do quite enjoy bowing. Miss Dawnswhat, would you care for something bow related? Like ribbons or something?

    Thanks, its ridiculous I haven't even gotten to it yet. I do have supplies now, though! Maybe I should go type up the research and stuff now...
    Oh. My aunt has one of those, she screams 'THwaP THwaP THwaP' whenever she sees a slapdrake. She has to keep fruit trees in her house just to stay sane, poor woman...

    I would offer you a slapdrake or a few for your zoo, but then you would hate me.
    Thank you for that applause, Miss Dawnswhat! *bows*

    (Pretty good for me as well. There's a project due Tuesday, but I think its going to be fine even though I haven't started on it. It might be easy!)
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