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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Catstickell? Something like that, I think. It's kind of strange that you're made of a type of magic? :/

    Interference of some kind?
    It is a pretty apt name! I'm assuming that it's magical? Isn't there a fellow around here who does really good magic, that Caustic L guy?

    And don't worry, that spell only ends my other spells. If it had hit your eye or something nothing would have happened anyway.
    It's not different for any percent. If you're dealing with a percentage, you always get a number from 1 to 100. But if the number is higher than the percentage chance of whatever, it doesn't happen. So if there's a 7% chance, any number that is less than or equal to 7 will do, but with 72%, it has to be 72 or lower. With 39% it would have to be 39 or lower. But it's always out of 100.

    ...this is actually kind of hard to explain xD
    I'm... technically still updating it, so it would only generate fifth-gen moves for a few Pokémon; still, if you needed it for a Pokémon that doesn't have it, I could just update it and send you the file again.
    It's an HTML document, so how do I get it to you? Got an email address that I can send things to?
    No, you put 100 in the box. That's why it's percent :p But yes, any percent is basically just the highest number you can generate out of 100 that will result in that thing happening.

    Why thank you. I will treasure it always. *puts it in a box*
    Heya Lett.
    So I am a stalker and saw your conversation with Meowth. If your computer is a good one, then I have a random generator that does both of those things! It's pretty script-heavy though, so like I say, your computer would need to be a good one.
    Go to random.org. Press "Generate" on the true random number generator box. If the result is 7 or under it happens, if it's over 7 it doesn't.

    With Sleep Talk I just go to the Pokémon's Veekun page, count the total number of moves it can learn, generate a number between 1 and that, and make it use a move that's in that position on the list. Basically just with anything like Sleep Talk get all the possible results in a list, generate a number up to the amount of items on the list, and take the item corresponding to the number you get. (Except with Metronome, then you use the Metronome generator.)

    Hail, Sandstorm and similar things usually do 1% damage per action, and I think Sandstorm reduces accuracy by 10% (so an attack with 90% accuracy only has 80%, etc.). And I'm pretty sure weather damage doesn't account for type effectiveness, except Hail on Ice-types and Sandstorm on Ground, Rock or Steel-types. Really though, you're pretty much free to judge this stuff by yourself; like, most refs have weather last 5 rounds but I go with 5 actions.
    Oh, I thought my moisturizer wasn't working! Woe would befall me if my-wait......



    ... ... ...

    Cool! But, like all the time and this is a disguise? For some reason I feel like I already knew this, but not.
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