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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Interesting... 10 more miles...

    ((By the way, I finished my new banner ^^))
    Alright, we're making progress. Still... a some twenty miles away before Grijin Point. Dang this thing moves fast!
    -Pulls out map- Looks like we need to travel along Schavun Passage until we reach Grijin Point. Once we finish up there, we can head straight to the bog. Overall time: 35 hours.
    Well your name is not Comma Police so I did not think you would flip as many shits over it as you have.
    I asked Krenn the exact same thing when he was teaching me of the Keystone.

    It is so captivating that the thought of it eliminates all doubt of any consequence. This thought, however, has to be a true thought. The host of the idea must have full knowledge of the subject. Of the Keystone. Though anyone who reaches it... Corruption. Corruption occurs. The user feels exhilarated. You feel so strong containg that much energy from just the touch of it, you don't want to let it go. But if you don't it will result in the end.

    Krenn knew all about it, though an early spell allowed him to become immune to the strong effects. Remember, he was a master. Arylett... she must have found out from someone... but who?
    Because it's so perfect, it's imperfect. Destruction comes from the use of it. Somehow, someway.
    The Keystone. It's perfection in its tangible form. The stone is practically a portal to anything: Knowledge, Hope, Food, even a Utopia.
    *shuts eyes* *mutters a bit incomprehensibly*

    *smiles forcedly* I have an aunt who turns into a giant badger every crescent moon. Go ahead.
    This is dangerous.

    ((Oops, I seem to mix up not-obvious genders Dx GAH! That didn't sound right either. But yay, I had it right.))
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