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Arylett Charnoa

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  • That does sound pretty cool. I'd love to see them bring that back for future games.

    That's a good idea, using both environment and genetics! So is it based on the parents' physical traits, or more on their personality?

    Really? Awesome, haha! Can she tranform back relatively quickly? Lol, I can picture that really shocking someone who has just met her! XD
    What's the spell called? Also, does not everyone have a Spirit Form, or do they just not know how to transform into it?

    That's good to know. I always worried about not being able to remember them all. But you're right; there really aren't that many of them. I also forget sometimes what order to type the tags in...but I'm sure I'll get better with practice. Did you ever try making a Pokemon fansite? And yes, thanks a ton for being so helpful! :)

    Thank you! I sure hope so. Yeah, writing fanfiction can be pretty difficult at times for me too. I'll go months in between posting chapters because I'm constantly revising stuff or working on my non-Pokemon stuff.

    It was a pretty good drawing, though! Ninetales is a pretty cool Pokemon...What others have you drawn? Oh, and what's a Pokésona?

    Thanks for the recommendation. :D $60 is definitely in my price range; my parents pay me to do the yardwork, so I'll probably start saving up for one. It does seem like you can do more digitally, like add certain effects and that sort of thing.

    You know, I never thought of that before, but you're right - traditional art does seem a little less - fancy and glamorized, I guess you could say. Although I do think digital art is pretty cool when everything's polished and clean. But yeah, I do see how it can be a little boring if it's too...close to perfect.
    That's true. My hands get sore if I draw for a long period of time.
    Traditional art, with my colored pencils, is probably my favorite at the moment, because I'm more experienced with it and it's easier for me to do. Since I've never used a tablet, on the computer I've had to draw with a mouse, which is pretty difficult for me. However, there are a lot of cool colors and effects you can add with digital - and on Deviantart I've seen some really well done digital artwork - so I like it a lot as well.

    Yes, spontaniety is pretty fun. That's a pretty good process to write it with. So you sort of start in one topic and then use it as a springboard for whatever else comes to your mind, and then title it?

    I do lots of rambly entries too. One nice thing about using the computer is that you don't have to worry about having messy writing, which is one disadvantage I have. My writing is usually neat, but I get lazy sometimes and it's hard to read. D:

    Yeah, I guess sometimes you can regret things that you post, and want to delete them if they get out of hand.

    It is scary! Me too- sometimes I just wish I could vanish into thin air...

    Hmm yeah, I guess that'd make sense. If I told people about how online some of my friends are people from places as faraway from me as... Norway or New Zealand, they'd probably react the same way. They shouldn't though...it's cool to meet new people that way.

    Yes, I love how before responding to a VM or a PM I can sort of plan out what I'm going to say, whereas offline I'm nervous and can't think straight.

    Yeah. I like being in classes with people I know well. The classes aren't too bad anymore, luckily. I guess I have to just take the time to think through stuff like math instead of being overwhelmed by it, and then I understand it.

    ...Neither do I.

    Ahahah, that seems like that would be it. I wonder if it would taste better or worse, a burrito smashed up into a drink? That's something to ponder about a bit, haha.

    Ooh, Mooncheetah doesn't like rockstars! Well, she does, depending on who they are, but she could never see herself as one! But eyeliner and boots do seem nice! Mhm. Daddy doesn't want me to wear eyeliner. I guess it does make sense. I am only twelve, after all, and it does seem a bit too young to be wearing makeup, ahahah. Oh, really? Well I guess all parents want grandchildren, but... Haha, it does seem rather strange, though I understand their reasonisng. I think. More GUITARS? Okay! I'll get more GUITARS as soon as possible! I R ROKIN MEWN. Make that five zillion and one.

    (You're very welcome! Oh no! Poor Idea Faucet. :C)

    Giggleroids does sound like a disease! Oh dear, what have I done. *giggle* If it really is a disease (however that may happen, giggle) *giggle* then in real life, I definetly *giggle* do have it! Oh giggleroids. You have many definitions.

    It seems like most of us are victim to video games and their ways or making our good eyesight wane! Oh yes, they are improving quite a bit. I'm still worried about sticking something into my eyes, though, and possibly getting an infection. *shudder* No, I did fail harder! Ooh an accent! I like accents. ACOMNESS! Very welcome! Oh, you EV Train? Ahaha, I don't have the patience for that! I've tried but to no avail. I just give up! Z-abuse is fabulous!

    FUCKBLAST! ...Oh, I'm too young to be saying stuff like this, ahahah. But apparently, thirteen and up are the ideal ages for cursing, so just a few months before I stop showing remorse for the bad words I say. Oh silly Moonwalker, saying things like this at age twelve.

    ...It took a while to picture that in my head but I did it anyway. :D


    Really? How so?

    (Ahahah, I love what you did with the bad, bad, you know it! thing, ahahah. More MJ song jokes!)

    WOAH CRAP I didn't mean to... AWWH MY STICK HE BROKE IT. :'C

    Also, I love your avatar. <3 I just can't change my username either, I've grown too attached to it. It would be nice to change it to Applejack, but...
    EDIT: Oh! It seems like Tailsy has already changed her name to Applejack, so I can't anyway, ahahah.
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