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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Ohh, I see. Hope you're saving will be worthwhile~

    I've got a concept for one in the works, but I won't say too much more about it. :)
    Yeah, it would be pretty hard to program. Ah, but it'd be really cool if they did. I've never played Stadium, actually. How exactly did the nicknames influence it?

    That's a really good idea, a Creation that embodies personality as it changes. Pretty neat concept! :D

    Haha, it is awesome, and what an embarrassing moment for her...XD

    Yes! I really need to practice HTML before anything else. I could go into even more complicated coding eventually, but I want to get to the point where I can program a basic page without having to refer to the guide. Of course, I'll still keep it close at hand for when I do need it. It is very helpful! I'm glad you sent me the link.

    Yeah, you're right. I'm trying for a bit of eloquency without complete overload, which should hopefully please both types of people!

    Good point! It makes perfect sense when you put it that way. Ah, but it is quite Mary-Sueish, isn't it? Hopefully with a proper amount of original plot intermingled with all the cliche stuff, it'll turn out okay.

    It is a Mightyena? Ohh...it did look quite like one! Lol :D

    That sounds pretty cool then, and thanks for the tip and recommendation. I'll start looking for tablets to use soon, because digital art does sound exciting.

    Which type of art do you prefer?

    Separate sections are a good idea! Losing focus entirely is kind of fun sometimes. All the emotions I've been bottling up all day can just sort of come out, and it's a good feeling. :D

    The journals I get are around...150? pages, and I've filled up around five or six of them! How long is yours?

    Oh, okay. Coughing cupboard posts...yeah, I understand that. I'm sure they're not stupid though. :)

    Me too. I definitely don't seek out speaking in front of people or any sort of crowd attention whatsoever...

    That makes sense that they wouldn't understand. :( I wish they would. I guess they probably don't know much about forums and that sort of thing. It is easier to socialize online...much easier.

    Well, I was in classes with what few irl friends I do have that are at my grade level. So, I didn't really want to change anything. Oh well; what's done is done, I guess.
    I received it as a birthday gift, so I didn't pay for it. But there's several editions of the MAGIX Music Maker program on the market, and they range from $50 to $100+, depending on how professional you want to get.
    I love failing together with my friends! :D

    ...Now that you mentioned it, it does. CHRUGGLES: NOW SOLD A TACO BELL. Or something like that.

    Eyelined Moon indeed! Nyarhar, maybe Daddy will let me wear it in seventh grade. :3 Haha, actually, Mommy bought me a pair of boots with a small heel! They're pretty easy to walk in, but I'd never be able to walk in the ones that have a like, a heel that's a foot long. D: Ooh, a badazz theme! Something like this, maybe? :3 Patienced Moon is patient. :3 YAY. :D IS MINE FOREVER~! THANK YOU DEAR LETT. :3 These conversations we have make my day, let me tell you. <3

    (Thanks again! And you did a fabulous job on the OScars! <3 Ahah, neither can I. I'm devoid of ideas at the moment.)

    I am a Giggleroid. C: ...Wait, a what? Oh Moonwalker, you've made up a name for something. I guess it means a person who makes seomone giggle!

    Hm... About three years for me. :3 Thank you Arylett! I've heard that too, but some people say that they;re getting better, so fingers crossed! *tried to pray better than Lett but fails* OOH ACOM! I WANT TO USE THAT WORD FOREVER! ACOM... IT'S SUCH AN ACOM WORD! Good luck with the battle! He's pretty tough. MY NAME IS NOW AZLEY YESSSSSSS.

    NOT SO FAST WHORESLAP! ...Oopie, I said another bad word again. x3 (I love that word. Oopie. Just another word of mine.)

    Haha, I agree. A werewolf angel... ahaha.

    NEVAH. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;D

    Really? I wish it was like that with my mom.


    ...Well, the stick didn't work.
    It's easier than you think. A program like the one I use (MAGIX) is very straightforward and nearly anyone can create professional-sounding tunes as long as they're willing to put forth some time and effort. :)
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