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Arylett Charnoa

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  • That's true. Pokemon would be better with more variety. I think it'd be cool if Pokemon came in more colors than just normal and shiny, too. Like color differences based on habitat, sort of like Shellos.

    Oh, that's cool! Is their Spirit Form creation based on aspects of their personality in any way?

    So she destroyed the speaker? XD That's pretty awesome. So, is exploding more likely to happen when she is nervous, then? Haha, that's funny to imagine. :D

    Yeah. Having a teacher to help might clear things up you don't understand, too. I have a family member who's learning it, too, so he can sort of help me as well. I've been reading Butterfree's guide, and it's pretty helpful. I like the way she writes, too. It's just...easy and fun to read, I guess, for the most part. I've checked the CSS section, though, and I read it and sort of blanked out and went, "lolhuh?" so I decided to practice HTML and then re-reading the CSS part later. And thanks for the link! I will be checking it out soon; I need all the help I can get. :D

    Thank you! I love describing things, and I've been both complimented and criticized on it at Serebii. It's rather confusing! But that's good that you think it sounds cool! I love writing that way, so.

    That's good; thanks! :D I've always liked to consider legendaries as rare, but still able to reproduce/replenish. And that there were more than one. Hopefully you're right; sometimes at fanfiction forums people automatically don't read a story if it involves legendaries or a journey in any way, which I never understood but is probably why I've been criticized for it. Thanks so much though! Writing about Raikou has been pretty fun, although a bit difficult, since I want to make him emotional yet strong.

    Those are really good drawings! The one for Day 1 was awesome. One of the creatures in it looked sort of like a Mightyena. I really like Trinity Flame as well. What does Scorch Trine do?

    Ah, obsessive scribblers! That sounds like an interesting club to go to. Do you guys do art mostly on the computer, or on paper before scanning it? I draw in my sketchbook a lot, but I don't know how to make computer-based drawings, like all the cool ones you see on deviantArt, so I'd like to find out and try it! :) I'm not sure how to or what programs to use, though.

    Yes! It helps a lot. One of the best things about a journal is that I can talk about whatever I'd like to, no restraints at all. I usually start out with a summary of my day, but then lose focus and start ranting and rambling on about things. They can be as random as whatever food I'm craving at the moment, or they can be really depressed or angry, or else cheerful. It all depends.

    Really? You know, deleting stuff is probably okay for the most part! I can see why you'd want to delete certain threads if they represent something you don't want to go back and remember.

    Well, I want to get better at my hobbies. Writing and drawing, mostly, and I need to play music more often. I'd also like to read more and practice HTML. And...get a driver's licensce. Oh, and try and be more outgoing. That's always one of my goals. And a lot of other things! There are so many things I like to do, I just can't really keep track of them all! Are you planning on doing anything out of the ordinary this year? (Hard to believe January's already coming to a close!)

    That sounds pretty cool! I can see why you enjoyed it, then. :) In church, they always have the kids speak in front of everyone, so we'd get better at it I guess, but I avoided it most of the time and only did it a few times. It's probably a good thing, though, because it makes you stronger!

    Haha, facebook! XD I mean, there's nothing wrong with it, but you're right. For some people, that's all they know about the Internet :D Oh, but they probably make online friends at facebook, too, you'd think.

    Yeah. I think it would've been a good idea to take it. However, I didn't get into web design until after this school year (last year in high school) had already started, so I already had a schedule.
    Nope, it felt totally normal o_o

    SEVENTY TIMES?! I might hurl if I had chocolate-covered milk then... It's kinda like the time I had Cocoa Krispies with chocolate milk, just because I wondered what it be like. Blerrgghh...
    NOT THE SAME. ITS A SECRET. I DO NOT. *laughs at you, and throws water on you*
    I'm sure they do.. Cookies are delicious! :9

    ...I have now eaten four corn dogs and don't feel like cookies anymore :c
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