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Black Yoshi
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  • Personally, I like Google's tie. :D

    ... I wonder if this teddy has anything other than fluffy... stuff.
    Meeeeeeep. •~•
    Goshdarnit, Yoshi, I'm gonna have nightmares now. I refuse to leave this teddy. And you aren't going to, either, because I refuse to be alone in this teddy.
    It is the most prestigious award. The Oscars hang themselves in shame in comparison.

    EDIT: Hang their heads! Not themselves! Where is my head at....
    ... Maaaaaaybe we should think of happy things.

    Like rainbows and all that crap.

    Happy happy sunshine, fwee, fwee, fwee! Happy happy sunshine, la la la~!
    ... Maybe Dink is a midget from Europe that's actually 34 years old and he kills people. Like that girl from "Orphan."
    "Once on a time, the ancient legends tell,
    Truth, rising from the bottom of her well,
    Looked on the world, but, hearing how it lied,
    Returned to her seclusion horrified..."

    ... ;~;
    *Dives into teh teddeh baer with Yoshi*
    I know, we can both be scared of you with a bigger teddy bear. Huzzah.

    *hugs biggest teddy EVER to hug*
    He's an interesting character, to say the least. But if he had yellow eyes, I think Nekko would have a mental shutdown or something.
    ... Wait, is that... Jedward??

    5/7 have blue eyes. Blue= apparent dominant eye color of our crew of... very unique little children. Might I mention that Dink is starting to scare me with his ghostly skin •~•
    Oh holy Jesus.


    I like it, though! X3 But how did you manage that hair?!

    And we all have blue eyes. BLUE EYE CULT UNITE
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