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Black Yoshi
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  • If it is the one on the far left, that's... PREFECT! It's better then what I had envisioned.
    Like this. I'm amazed that a person (two people, even!) actually have the hair of the character I based him off, but there you go.
    Oh, trailing out, if possible. And not too terribly long, either. :D

    (And I'm sorry she's proving difficult >~<)
    I know what it can feel like, so no problem! Glad you're feeling better and have your feet warmed. :P

    Hey, saw your post in the Grr Thread and just wanted to tell you that I sympathize. Feeling like you're not good enough can be an insidious thing, especially when you have someone to compare yourself too who seems so much better. But (and here I devolve into HUGE SAP MODE) things are better than that! You have a talent for art, and a family, and real life isn't about being thrown into a pool and seeing if you swim or drown. Try not to focus on the future right now - trust me, it can be an impossible task at times - and focus on being happy and achieving your own personal goals right now.

    ...I also hope you warm your feet up! D:
    ... No homo

    That would be hilarious, though, and I just forgot that Vera would be there. Kolkolkolkolkolkol
    Wait, no, scratch that, he should be all "I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT YOU BUT I HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU SO MEH MEH MEH." That would be fun for Vera. X3
    ... What if Crotchkiss was bubbly? :D
    That would be cool.

    And cough I do declare that Vera has a screw or two loose cough
    Explorers of Sky (or Time and Darkness, but screwity-screw-screw, I had EOS) reference. Suspicious indeed. *Eyebrow dance*

    I don't see why all the hate for Dusknoir ._.
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