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Black Yoshi
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  • Hey! :D
    I like the design of it. ... But, like you said, it is a tad bit simple and Ichigo-ish, but I like the stuffs you did on it.
    It's nice to know that I can count on someone to help me better visualize my characters! Thanks for drawing it. :3
    An hour? ;~; That's a long time...
    But hey, this song. 'tis awesome indeed. c: Thanks for finding it! It just completed my little ferris wheel scene. Like the icing of the cake, I suppose.
    Ha, that would be hilarious to see Connor's reaction to that. X3
    I dunno if she would be up to saying that though, because, you know, she's all serious and aloof and stiff and stuff. Oh, and probably freaked out if it falls or something.
    Probably not "Viva la Vida," but maybe... "Fix You" or "The Scientist." I'll pick from either of those.
    This will prove interesting.
    Hmmm... What song should she know by heart?

    ... I got it.
    "The Scientist" by Coldplay. >:D Or anything Coldplay would work.

    Hey, I can totally imagine that. ... If only Lucario could learn Sing. Now that would be epic for Masque.
    Maybe she has a thing for singing? I might could arrange that. Because, you know, she has to at least have something good about her, right? :D?
    I could see that being a roleplay...
    Or were you actually referring to a roleplay here? >~<
    D-Day could then stand for Dragonite-Day, perhaps. Maaaaaaybe.
    Much better story, indeed. I can imagine it now...
    Oh, and speaking of Pokemon (indeed), I found this video and thought you might find it amusing. Meep.
    Again, impulsive moment, and I was all like "Hey, I'm watching this, might as well tell the world about it."
    ... Hmm. Interesting.
    So anyway, I was having an impulsive moment and decided I should poke someone, and I was reading over the Bleach roleplay as I thought about all this... And I was all like "Hey, I should totally poke Yoshi for no apparent reason whatsoever."
    Sweetness. I'll edit the first post, you edit your form, Leon edits his, and poof, everything's better. Ulqi's ready to start anyhow.
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