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Black Yoshi
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  • Double bother here, you know what it is, just make sure to let me know/post.
    That room's not as good as his living room D:

    I like the song, though. :D He writes pretty good!
    Yayyy~ Thank you, I'll go post now I've got a small idea for a post :3

    edit: /fail post
    I finished my form for Soul Guard maybe I can help get things moving :D I know I'm impatient this just seems awesome and I want to post ;-;

    ...Also I can't help realizing how different I was last time I vm'd you oh goodness my grammar and just me ;-;
    ... Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more fun than it should be.

    Sarcastic butlers are hilarious. Especially Geoffery. He was so frickin awesome. :D I should use a phrase my friends use: He's da bomb.com.
    Crotchkiss. It is the best thing ever.

    WAIT WAIT WAIT, he should have a British accent instead. And he offers a spot of tea and some scones. Perhaps some fish and chips as well?

    ... This is way more fun than I thought. I am overally amused to no end. :3c
    My thoughts exactly! XD I could serious not stop laughing after I thought that up.

    A midget butler. With a Romanian accent. And his name is Crotchkiss. That would be the best thing ever.
    ... D:
    I don't knoooooooow! ;~;
    I'll try to think something up as soon as my mind wraps itself around it. My thoughts are kind of caught up in other things... ._.

    Edit: MWAHAHAHAHAHA. I gave you the best I could offer. >:D That's how I make up for lost time.
    I love his voice and his house.
    It really is too bad Connor can't sing, though, because that song is perfect.
    (Now that song is stuck in my head, but I guess that's a good thing. :D)
    Yes. >:D

    I'm glad I got around to finishing it, though, because for a while, I was considering to let my reserve go. I dunno, I guess I just didn't have to motivation to finish it or something, but I finally just started working on it, and... Tada!
    Silleh, silleh Ulqi. :D
    I am excited, though! Playing Vera sounds very fun to me.
    I mean, no personal bubble whatsoever.
    Green fingernails. Green. Fingernails.
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