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Black Yoshi
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    Szayel, you mean, for Psychic? I'm all for it. I love that guy.

    ... War Carnie. That sounds epic. But perhaps since they are the original ones, they should be called "Masques" instead. That sounds better to me, anyway.

    So yeah, the others will definitely talk more.
    Oh crap I'm sorry I'm sorry. I didn't expect to get as busy as I did, so if you haven't kicked me out yet I'll post soon. Sorry ><
    Aw, despicable me. This is just way too fun.
    I congratulate you with this crow-beaked mask for being amazing, Yoshi.

    I kind of kept it in accordance to a thing you showed me way back when. You know, the whole highlight-but-not-highlight thing. So, I thought it could be a remnant of when she was actually normal! :3
    I just copy all of mind before I press the "post" button, if that can be of use to you. It has worked for me, but sometimes I forget, so yeah. ._.
    ... So I made a reference in the post concerning Celest's original hair color. Yay for unnecessary details!
    Yeah! So, since he's gonna be all arse-kicking and short, I thought that he could be based off of Throh. Any thoughts?
    ... Great minds think alike :O
    That was my first thought. Kolkokolkol, ain't that just prettiful.
    But, nah, I don't think he'll be named.
    yep, frowning is definatly good. can i safe that to my computer and snip my character out? maybe use it as my avatar?

    But no seriously, cool, thanks man!
    Mass suicide is rarely as cool as it sounds. Except when that army went into the gigantic alien reactor core and blue it up with them and the aliens still inside. That was pretty cool.
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