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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Yeah, I have no idea why I'm so inactive here now. The majority of people here are pretty cool.

    I have been craving chick-fil-a and quiznos for a while now. I need to get some before I leave on Saturday, cause there doesn't appear to be any chick-fil-a or quiznos in the whole of brazil! The savages.
    Yes, thanks for that, now I can't unsee. I sure hope you're happy. 3:<

    The only way Miltank and Fatpinkwhoerbag will ever be friends is if Miltank finds it within her kind, kind heart to have pity on a washed up whiny spoiled bitch and pretend to tell her everything is all right while watching her gouge out numerous gallons of ice cream and crying about her boyfriend leaving her and pleading as to why even though she and everyone else knows its because she's a washed up c**t who's turned to reality TV shows even at the cost of embarrassing herself to try and salvage a scrap of what's left of her pathetic life and everyone including Miltank hates her and she goes on shows like Opra and Maury and cries her eyes out about it and even those feigning pity are drowning in a completely obviously visible contempt and-

    ....I think I've gotten a little off topic.

    loooooool D; maybe cause I'm tired, everything's running together. I'm probably gonna turn in now, and probably dream about hardons
    hnnngaaaaa D8

    I wish I could live for a few more million years and maybe visit some other inhabited planet :< That's the only bad thing about it all
    But it's true :c

    I first saw that YTMND three years ago and it still blows my mind, like, I can't even tell you how much it blows my mind, how big the universe really is. It's like, infinite everything
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