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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Once my next tugboat arrives, I'm going to buy a shitload of berry bags.
    That's pretty cool, actually. Does genocide mean the ASBers won?

    ...wait never mind. After more careful searching, I've found the event. Should be interesting to watch.
    If She had forsaken you, you would already be dead. Why is it that you humans continuously forget the meteors? They used to excite our puppets so.

    But it is not you that She refuses to abandon. It is Her city. Hers, human. Whatever She has done to make you believe you share any of Her empire - I know not, and I care not, but I have given you every opportunity to realise that She lied to you. She always lies.

    Why do you cling to Her city, human? Why does it mean anything to you? All that is in it, you can find or build or carry elsewhere. You have that option! We, however, must destroy all of this, because it carries the greatest cloud of Her taint. There is only this.

    Perhaps every human does have the potential to achieve greatness, but what I see is that most do not. And the humans who do are those most deserving of death. Those who dared create a weapon from a god, and the one who would dare imprison one - these are the people your kind would consider great, human, and if I must burn every nest in the world to prevent this terrible greatness from arising again, do not doubt that I will.

    ...Enough. We will never see eye to eye.

    This, I promise you. I will break Her influence on this world. With my power, I will eradicate every last trace of Her. One day, I will live a life of my creation. There will be only freedom.
    I don't hate Her. Do you hate us? We are your gods, after all. But we do not impose on you - oppress you - no, you don't even realize our existence. Even as we cry out to you, you ignore us, for you are comfortable in your existence. But She - we - we cannot get away with that, ignoring Her, living in ignorance like you. And even you can't, not any longer. For every sin, you must pay; and we are here to collect your debt.
    THIS IS HER COMMAND. She builds Her city and then She breaks it. Do not try and understand Her, human; She is not like you. She is not human or god, She is a different thing altogether, from beyond this and any other world I've seen.

    I must reiterate for you. This is Her battle. Entirely for Her.

    What do you mean, what did She do? She did this. What must it be, to live like you, seeing everything but knowing nothing? You've been following this Negrek for so long, and you know nothing about Her. Where did she come from? How did She build this city, maintain it? Do you not question this? Where does she get her power? None of this matters to you humans, does it? You just follow along, because it works. It works, so you don't care how it got there. You don't care what happened before you were there, who or what was used, you don't care for anything but your puny little selves. And you wonder, now, why us gods stay away from you? Really? But now we can't. And all because of Her. Her, and your own choice to remain ignorant. So don't pretend you had no part in this; it was you, after all, who ignored the signs, and chose to follow Her, your perfect leader, without question.

    I thrive in the knowledge that before I rip out your throats, you will all know you could have stopped this; you could have stopped Her. You will see Her for who - for what she truly is - and you will bathe in your fear and regret. And then you will die by my hands.
    We don't require destroying this city. We are gods; this city means nothing. There are so many other cities on so many other worlds that we could take for our own. It was Her. She took us and made us destroy. You believe in Her so much - what proof has she given you, what reason, to believe? There is no reason. She is pure monstrosity. She builds this city and captures us in it; and now we must destroy it.

    Do you not see the power of the gods in your battles? The draco meteors, the sacred fires, the shadow forces? We try to speak, but no one listens. It is not our fault it has come to this.
    This is not our fault. I am sure Mewtwo has told you about Her. She started this. The way She twists this battle to make it seem like our own - it's not. It's Hers. Pitting us against you; gods against children. It's savagery. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a bit of bloodshed here a there, and I will surely enjoy shedding your blood. But not because I am commanded to do so. I do not obey orders. I am not a human.

    She has been in charge for far too long. This must end, and if you won't - and you haven't, despite all warning signs - we must. Unfortunately it must end this way, whether because of Her or because of you; but it will end. And we will end it.
    I do compliment my children! I am a good god. Ask anyone. ... Well, they probably won't answer, they aren't very aware anymore. I'm nice to them though, before, you know. They live a full life.

    You're like my cows. Except I treat you better than you treat your food. I think that's only fair, and I've never had any complaints. Well - when I do, I just get rid of them.

    Anyhow, compliments will get you far.
    I'm just paranoid that someone face heel turns for some extra EXP or something, then D:

    Unless this isn't actually a thing in which case I'll feel stupid instead.

    Paranoia/Idiocy x3
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