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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Are you the kind that believes that your creator, no matter what atrocities it inflicts upon you, must be worshipped?

    Are you the kind who would claim credit for everything that your own kind has done? I can understand kinship, yes. But I do not mark you as mere clones of each other. I grant you more individualism than that. If I did not, then I would have reason not to glorify you, but to eradicate every last one of you insects that dared breathe the same air as I.

    It has been some time since our first warning. Those who both wished and deserved to escape have already done so.

    The rest have, to some extent, chosen to remain in our way. They deserve their fates.

    And do you think I do not know of your stings? It is all you insects do, after all. It is what She does. And yet I escaped, did I not? I have endured.

    She tries to weary me, but I will overcome all of what She throws at me, even as she binds us tighter and tighter.
    Also this! I'm not sure if it's trying to root out potential traitors for plotline purposes, just having fun with this or I'm just being paranoid, but you know. Stay on your guard for that.
    Those lesser psychics?

    They're not under Her protection.

    Too, they are complicit in Her crimes. The flames of our wrath extinguish their minds even now, the few that are left, and for this, I feel no regret.

    I can crush the mind of an insect as easily as I can that of anyone else. That She would send waves of them boiling out like a cave termite nest, crawling and biting and tearing and stinging, is irrelevant. That they never stop buzzing and filling my mind with their empty drones - well, that, too, will soon be over. I must merely deal with one last swarm.
    That definitely counts as some shit :o Someone commented about how that could be used hilariously in the social group, iirc..?
    Does frotom count as an ice-ghost, though? Since it's electric-ice now.

    but yes ice-ghost uh, fridge-fist bump.
    Want Skarmory avatar. How get?

    Want one with this:
    I loaf you even more (ask Omskivar). This is the second Wargle avatar you've made me...
    pssst how do you calculate energy usage for Magic Coat

    also I'd ask you for a themed avatar, but frotom doesn't really have any threatening looking cards, so :V

    I have done nothing, even now, to harm you.

    Oh, yes, perhaps there are casualties. There always are. But it is no fault of ours that you humans live on that which we must destroy.

    It is Hers, of course, but we do not blame you for such passive acts either. No.

    Nor did we target you. We are targeting the land, all that dared bind us, and we are ensuring that no such dark fate might befall a god again. There is power, here, and we aim to destroy it. We do not aim to crush insects, but should they stand in our way, we will not hold back from harming them, either. And should they irritate us, we will remove the irritant.

    You would have been free to leave - to take your lives elsewhere, perhaps even taking the berries you salvaged and starting a farm that is truly yours - but you did not. Perhaps you even chose not to.

    But do not claim that you are defending anything. The casualties must surely continue, even now, and you are doing nothing for them. You stand, one amongst thirty, waiting for your chance to fight us, but you do not even attempt to reduce harm to - well - anything.

    Do you not see, human? Look around you. Look beneath you. Do you know why we are here, in the sky? We have lured Her out, even if She brought with Her a swarm, and indeed, we will have our revenge. But the destruction of the land? It has not stopped. It will not stop, even as you throw all you have against us.

    Have you heeded Her warnings, human? She has revealed it Herself, that any one of these meteors might normally destroy you, if She had not granted you protection such that you might better shield Her. If She is not content with you, you see, if you do not fight as She wills it, She will simply revoke this protection, and it will be enough to destroy you.

    She has not granted this protection to the land beneath.

    The destruction continues, human! No matter what you do, Asber will be annihilated. Buildings and forests and outposts alike collapse under the cleansing flames. Do you think this little effort of yours will stop that?

    If there is anything you wish to protect, the only way you might do so would be to take it and flee.

    You might be struck by a meteor, then, but hazards are a natural thing in this world. We would not stand in your way. We would not prevent you from reaching your freedom.

    We are not that cruel.
    ... ah. Do you truly not understand? Do you truly not remember?

    Perhaps not. I have been underground far too long, you see, and I know not what further damage She has done to you.

    Pitiful attempts at insults using human concepts that do not apply to me notwithstanding, look at what you have said. Contradictions abound!

    You try to declare you will leave Her to Her fate, and yet here you stand, perched atop the pokémon you offer as your first sacrifices to Her. You refuse to leave Her city. You defend Her berries. Do you forget, human? She offers you profits, yes, but you tend to Her berries, not yours, and you offer a service in Her city merely because you were the first to show your interest.

    It is not your ASB Central. It is Her city. It is our prison.

    It will not survive, whatever you do.

    And even if, in another world, where, perhaps, She did not cling to what power She has so selfishly, in a world where you won -

    You would have taken down a god, yes. You humans are often so proud of such things. But what would you have accomplished?
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