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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • ... I know you are doing what you believe is right. But are you certain you are not becoming... confused again? You know that sometimes you are not entirely reliable.

    Are you certain that you are not having one of your episodes?

    What do you think you will accomplish, trainer?

    You risk all you have to take down a god. And why? I had no quarrel with you. I still do not now. You're utterly insignificant.

    You merely stand between me and my target - and She only desires the use of your bodies as a shield.

    Don't you understand? When your league sent their champion against me, I was alone. I am alone no longer! I have with me other gods, and human puppets, and now it is She who fears us.
    Could you please make me a themed avatar with a Diagonal Split, half being Wargle, half being Spiritomb? I would love you even more.
    I was going to ask you for a themed avatar, but then I realized that my Butterfree uses a custom sprite, which would make that at least harder.

    And then I remembered I could just make an avatar of the person my Butterfree references. Which I'll do later.
    They've already thrown everything they had at me, once.

    This is nothing. You are nothing. Not even to the one who summoned you.

    You're just one amongst thirty playthings to pass the time until the real game begins.
    I'm actually trying to make Caber a Conkeldurr through experience, not through trading, so I'll have to say no, sorry.

    Yes but I autofail in ASB no matter what.

    Ignore that I've only ever been in... four battles, three of which aren't finished (one
    is the drawn one) and the last one I lost because the other DQ'd (Silver) and she knocked out one of my Pokémon.

    you + me = battle

    :D? (hopefully you are active in ASB generally)

    Haha, oh wow, they did a really good job of syncing the footage up with the music. I never realized the DW who episodes were so funny.
    I just looked it up on youtube, and it seems wonderfully trippy. I'll definitely have to check that out.

    Gah, no, I keep meaning to watch it, but I keep getting side-tracked with other things. I did hear it was really sad though, and I have no idea how I've managed to avoid spoilers all this time. DW fans generally seem to be pretty good with spoilers in general, or maybe I'm just lucky.
    Was that superjail maybe? I really need to start watching Adult swim again.

    Yeah, the companions have been really great so far. (Marthaaaa <3) Tate was fantastic in DW, although I never did get around to watching her last episode.
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